
...aaaaaand you win, shut ‘er down.

They should totally wear the 90210 dresses.

THANK you, for being the more articulate person i couldn’t even imagine being. Thank you for what you wrote.

Please keep doing that. Smile, say hello, ask how they are doing... As a Muslim woman I can tell you we appreciate that act more than you know. I’ve only had a few instances of someone saying something nasty to me in public but lately what I notice more is people looking away. They pull away and look away and the vibe

I live in the sticks, so while I meet a lot of fantastic teachers when subbing (and I fall to worship at their feet), I also meet the this kind regularly.

that is beautiful embroidery and I’d like to see the rest of it for my own enjoyment.

Oh my god jezzies, I humiliated myself. Behold my tale of woe:

Hi guys! Two questions, please help!

Did anyone besides me eat peanut butter and butter sandwiches while watching Scooby doo after a long day of pooping themselves in nursery school?

You forgot suddenly developing an affection for voluminous coats, which you wear indoors for no apparent reason.

That’s like in NYC right now! I LOOOOOVE it so much. The cold last year was so emotionally scarring that I had to talk to my therapist about anxiety regarding how my life changes in the winter. “Winter is coming”, alright.

interpretive dance

Why clone? I’m pretty sure Adam Sandler can pump out one shitty Adam Sandler movie every day.

You don't actually know what "transcribe" means, do you?

I just have to bring this out of the grey just so everyone can see “bobby fuck fingers”

Nope. If you don’t challenge it when and where it happens, you contribute to it seeming acceptable.

Yeah, prison rapists target the most vulnerable, just like this creep! Young prisoners in for non-violent crimes are targeted most frequently.


Or, you know, you could just let women speak.