
It’s probably revenge. I broke his ass muscles when we started dating again, so he says. Actually, I think he posted that story himself, but I don’t know if he’s out of the greys. In any case, six years later it still acts up when the weather changes and makes him limp for days.

Man-hymen! Except holy fuck that sounds painful. Makes me want to cross my legs forever.

I get foot cramps and thigh/hip cramps when I’m flying solo, but the best sex pain was when my partner came back after four days away and we start going crazy on the kitchen table and I’m on the edge of what promises to be the best orgasm of my life and bam, one of the worst headaches of my life pops up from no where.

Frenulum. Oh. Ow.

I'd gathered as much, but the possibilities seem endless.

What exactly is going on here?

Hubbaloo and I have the same eyes and brows, and apparently when he had hair it was just like mine, too. We joke that we know what our kids will look like (well, no, my side of the family is a ton of genetic wild cards). When we were dating in our early twenties people thought we were siblings. I think his eyes are

This strangely sweet.

Hubbaloo does this when I’m cooking. Looks, sex cakes, I love you, but there are knives and hot oil here and this isn’t the kind of live fire I want to take for you.

She was incredible. She was the first person who told me she was proud of me. From 9-15, she was my mom. She was a lot of people’s mom.

Oh my god, I love it. It reminds me of when we had a king that took up the whole room. I ended up sleeping between the mattress and the wall. :P

How is it that spousal pillows migrate so effectively? My partner shoved his pillows over to my side of the bed so hard so many times that I started to only have resealable plastic or metal water containers on the side of the bed

I get this, too! We actually have a marker on the headboard that delineates the middle of the bed because I insist the night at least start on equal footing.

He just loves me too much! Seriously, the second I start to roll over he’s in the space my delightfully ample lady ass had and would like to occupy, and when I push back against him to move him his sleepy lizard brain takes that as a request for aggressive snuggles. This is the guy who, asleep on the couch, has

I would kill an army with my bare hands for my partner, but I swear to god if i wake up at two in the morning with my knees hanging off the edge of the bed one more time my sweet, beautiful man will be waking up dead. I want a studio with a day bed and a lock on the door. I’m a big proponent of one having one’s own

Yeah, there was a multi-year span before she got too sick to take care of me that my hanai mom (or, as the Catrall-haters would say, my fourth grade teacher) was more of a mom to me than my own mother. She was the person who gave me hugs and held me accountable for my actions. She was my mom.

That’s a damned good idea. Just remember to get back any Tupperware involved or telling her her voluntary sandwich making skills aren’t consistently up to par will be the healthier option. One of the worst fights I had with an ex was when he threw away one of my best reusable containers.

Yeah, honey is a sign of annoyance in our house, too. “Please rinse out your oatmeal bowl when you’re done with it, Honey.”

I get called lovie-doodles, or just ‘doodles, which evolved from him calling me “love” back in college. Makes me feel all loved and stuff.

My partner is 5’9” but built like a big burly furry bearded wall and also goes by bunny or little baby bunny. I find the juxtaposition endearing. He finds me tolerable at best.