
@Vexxar, First, thanks for replying in a respectful manner that encourages debate and generally not being a troll. I probably was a little heated in my last response, but as a vet who's been over there, this issue tends to hit home as a lot people have absolutely no idea what it's like over there.


@Dynastius, Let's use your numbers, they are nice and round and will serve to function just fine for the debate. Now, that 200K number represents bodies or "slots", not individual service members. Service members rotate throughout the year into those "slots." So while there maybe only 200k service members in country

@ninjalo311 Good to hear. Bay has the capacity to enrage people with stupid ass social commentary. The twins are a perfect example.

@Dr.Preston! I thought the same until I bought a house and wanted a security system.


My two year old (just recently turned two) now knows how to unlock my iphone, go to the phone app, select his Nana and call her only to speak in that half English-half jibberish language of his. He's figured out the logic behind the home button too. He did this all on his own. When we got the ipad he picked it up

I really liked that Falling Skies snippet, especially the part where the skitter recognized Tom. I think it's a very cool direction they are taking.

@SG-17 I hate this argument about the damn air conditioners... They are a no-shit requirement for that operating area. Regardless of how you feel about the wars, our service members need to be taken care of over there. It's a medical necessity, not a calculated priority. Heat injuries are a very real danger. The cost

As a OIF vet, I really hope they don't bastardize and exploit PTSD in this film.

I never knew I had suicide headaches!?!?

@Erasmus Trudat...trudat. This show is the best thing since BSG for me.


@bombastinator I'm so tired of this insane argument people keep using to defend these guys. I really just don't understand how a logical mind can come to the conclusion that criminal activity that, A)puts innocent people at risk for serious damage, and B) damages government agencies charged with defending their

@siloxr What's ridiculous is the fact that you are acting like these criminals are doing everyone a favor! No they aren't. Did you even read the statement issued from Lulz?

..... and this thread was hijacked by the war.

No, no, no, you should have only two choices... either Michael Cain or Morgan Freeman.

@siloxr What a ridiculous argument. Of course these companies should have protected their data better, that's obvious, but there is absolutely no reason that personal information should have been put out there for everyone to steal.

John Ringo's Looking Glass Series. A scientist in Florida mistakenly creates a portal generator to other dimensions where really nasty bug/beast like aliens spew out and try to kill everyone. If you know Ringo, you know his Military/Action Sci Fi is top notch. You really get the best of both worlds here though

@izikavazo... shhhh! We don't need any more reasons for IE to exist.