
@siloxr What's ridiculous is the fact that you are acting like these criminals are doing everyone a favor! No they aren't. Did you even read the statement issued from Lulz?

..... and this thread was hijacked by the war.

No, no, no, you should have only two choices... either Michael Cain or Morgan Freeman.

@siloxr What a ridiculous argument. Of course these companies should have protected their data better, that's obvious, but there is absolutely no reason that personal information should have been put out there for everyone to steal.

John Ringo's Looking Glass Series. A scientist in Florida mistakenly creates a portal generator to other dimensions where really nasty bug/beast like aliens spew out and try to kill everyone. If you know Ringo, you know his Military/Action Sci Fi is top notch. You really get the best of both worlds here though

@izikavazo... shhhh! We don't need any more reasons for IE to exist.

I grew up in Knoxville and have been to Chattanooga many many times. I too was floored when I came upon this part in the book. I need to go back there and re-read this classic and get a feel for the place again.

That's right, just go ahead and expose all the holes in our border. Why don't you just hand over the damn key to the door while you're at it Lulz. This is absolutely insane. I hope you all rot in a cell for the rest of your damned treasonous lives.

@KamWrex, I love you. Thank you for not being retarded.

Getting a job is where I went wrong apparently.

I remember a year or two ago when traveling I accidentally left my Zippo that I've been carrying for years in my pocket. I was so relieved when they told me it was ok when I went through security. It would have sucked to toss that thing.

I'm really irked this episode isn't available on hulu or TNT's website. You would think they would at least let people watch the first episode for free.

This is what happens when you hand a five year old a chainsaw.

This is awesome news! This is by far my favorite Gaiman novel. I can't wait to see this.

@gtig You bring up some good points there. Online security is a big gaping hole in our defense, but mostly because we've not gone about protecting our online resources the same way we protect our physical ones. The US Military is in place to protect the citizens, land, and property of the country and they do a pretty

"After the Chinese hacker attacks on Google, we're all ready for the first Internet War to begin."

The Chinese Navy and Air Force can't really compete though. If their ships and cargo planes carrying said tanks are on fire, the tanks don't do much good do they?

The light wasn't the cause of the shock, it was the ungrounded amplifier his guitar was plugged into. His hand was resting on the steel guitar strings (common to prevent a constant hum) and while just standing there he is fine, being insulated from ground by his shoes. But when his neck touched the bare metal on the

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This really reminds me of the Nine Inch Nails Ghosts project. Serendipitous.

Another factor that played into the 22 program being cut was $. The DOD gave the AF a ton of cash and said "We want more stuff like that nifty Predator drone!". But the AF went and bought a bunch of F22s instead. The guys on top got their peepees smacked and the 22 program was canceled.