
When I was a kid, I used to catch the old Star Trek TOS reruns at night. Looking back, it's funny that they still ran that show well into the 90s on some channels. But this episode stands out as an early oh-my-god-whats-going-on-down-there moment.

For reals, and whatever happened to the Panzer 88 project? I haven't heard anything about that in a while too.

@Annalee Newitz, nice article. There happen to be a few books that go the exact opposite way too. It would be interesting to see what others you could dig up. My favorite is Ringo's Council War series. Set in the remote distant future, science has made things that were once fantasy reality.

You are right. This was murder for Battlestar Galactica and Caprica fans. They stretched out the seasons, sometimes putting damn near a whole year between new episodes. People forget, move on, lose interest. I haven't watched SyFy in a long time because of this.

Welcome to the general condition of the IO9 readership. It's a sad thing we must all experience and eventually learn to live with.

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I totally agree with you here. The Joker and his henchmen pretty much ruined this movie as made obvious by this scene.

Yeah, this whole starred commenter process seems very obtuse and subjective to me. I get the intended idea, but it seems to be lacking consistency in execution. As mentioned above, someone received theirs for actively being a troll yet many of us who comment and honestly try to add some value to the various gawker

Awww... man.

The Ghost Busters house.

I'm pretty sure this is where whatshisface was shot and disappeared on 4400.

The clip showed the Nazi space fighters headed toward the Eastern US coastline, so it looks like the US is the target. Makes sense, when invading the Earth, take care of the biggest threat first.

I too somewhat fell in love with Arkady... it doesn't help that I was probably about 13 when I first read this book.

This is why you are one of my favorite editors here. I would friend you... but it's b r o k t.

I've found the best way to deal with this awful layout is by opening each story I want read in a new tab. That way I never lose my place on the main page when going through the list.

All the info I can find says Calibre does it natively. I don't own any Mobipocket books so haven't tried it.

Two peas in a pod here... I work on the comm systems for things like this. Geosync Orbit is right about 22,300 miles out.... and back. So thats almost 45,000 miles which results in about a .25 second delay not counting other realistic delays induced by processing/signal conversion/etc. Under absolute worst conditions,

Now, what part of "We didn't do it this time" don't you understand?

True dat... True dat

You have to think about the scale of time that a star's life is in. For instance, our own sun is approximately 5 billion years old. If a civilization built one of these spheres at the right time around the right star, the sphere would literally have billions of years of use and can hardly be called a waste. The "we'll