The Emperor's Neaux Pants

Who cares?

stop it marvin

He really took it to heart when people told him he needed to move on from humping waitresses.

Also, why is he still dressing like it’s 1999?

“We need to move this large rock. What should we do?”

This is the chance the Spin Doctors have been waiting for!

When two gay men have sex, how do they know whose penis will open up to accept the other man’s penis?

Pictured: How Mike Pence thinks gay sex works.

You made it creepier. I didn’t think that was possible.

I’m sure he saves the bikini+gun ones just for himself.

She has a weird Keri Russel peak-Felicity thing going. I’m pretty sure I just insulted Keri Russel immensely.

“The Curious Case of Benjamin Buttfuck”

I don’t even want the dumbass Conservative friends I have now!

How am I supposed to befriend Jacob Wohl? His own eyes look like they don’t get along and decided they needed some space.

Can’t wait to read about this in the Boston Two-Dimensional Disc Globe

One thing I’m not totally clear on... is there fighting in the bleachers?

As a liberal, I don’t feel like I’m being owned enough. I suggest they keep literally playing with fire on their property, just to show just how strong-willed and patriotic they are.

You should have seen this guy’s take on the 2001 Jets under Herman Edwards.