Emperor Sheev

sorry sweetie i’m progressive.

And even Silence of the Lambs, which certainly plays with the trope, takes the time to explain that Buffalo Bill wasn’t trans. Like, they have a whole plot point where they look for the killer through folks getting reassignment surgery (which, yikes) and the breakthrough is that he didn’t qualify because he isn’t

The good news:

Jeez louise, the millions of people who built an entire personality around liking a series of chidlren’s books must be having a rough one.

Can you imagine the scathing mile and a half long post(ings) on here if it had been a female celebrity whose nudes leaked and everyone was “making fun of her”? Anyway

This particular criticism rings hollow.

I loathe Tulsi Gabbard with every fiber of my being. She’s decided her existence now is to be a real life troll. Damn you, Hawaii, for letting this monster get off the island.

They were watching Dance Moms, Toddlers and Tiaras, Honey Booboo...

Tulsi going Q is completely on brand. 

Where were all these outraged QAnon people when Trump ordered kids to be separated from their parents and put in cages in the concentration camps on the border?  I guarantee that some of those kids are being sexually abused.  I don’t recall any big “Q” signs at the Families Belong Together protest I went to.

This whole obsession with child porn just seems like the height of projection. If you don’t see young girls as sex objects, then what’s making you so uncomfortable? That other people might see it that way? Which, fair enough, but historically some of the largest abusers are in the church and you’re down with them? I

If I had to guess (cuz I ain’t no expert), I’d say actual pedophiles don’t need a movie to whet their appetites. But certain kinds of politicians are a different story. Gabbard sounds like she’s very excited by what she thinks this story will do for her career.

I mean, sex within marriage is what he’s talking about, obviously. But, really, whatever we need to hear to sleep at night.

WHO? Never heard of ‘em. Are they named after the Star Trek Cardassians?

Do not give these grifters and their family any more attention. 

I feel bad for all the federal workers who are just trying to serve their country and will be eating a lot of shit from deluded MAGAts calling them Deep State and Bernie Bros calling them Family Separators, when all they're trying to do is check the soil salinity goddamnit.

Also “Kamala” has fewer syllables than “Melania,” and the exact same number of syllables as “Ivanka,” so...

This is not the first time he purposely mispronounced her name. He knows exactly what he’s doing. I hope she doesn’t take his racist bait

Oh my GOD, yes. It’s totally okay to objectify and creep out a stranger, but MY DAUGHTER? 

What a fucking creep,” I thought, when he stopped while we were ogling women so that he could ogle my daughter.