AAAAAAAH muh stolen gems and colonization
AAAAAAAH muh stolen gems and colonization
Glad I spent 6 years playing the original and collecting enough nice skins for all characters, cause I’m not spending ONE penny on Overwatch 2.
Why does the mere inoffensive mention of Bernie make people like you lose their minds? Are you okay? Were you this triggered by the “““Berniebros””””?
I’m continually baffled by these individuals that manage to climb to the top, becoming filthy rich and famous, for absolutely no reason. Why is this man famous, again? Somebody lied to him several times and told him he was funny, then the stars managed to align just right to get him this far.
Not to victim blame, but.. they honestly were not prepared for this? You’ve delayed this “sequel” by years and your servers still were not prepared for the traffic? Glitches and missing features for what is a glorified DLC? I’m still looking forward to trying it out, but every new thing I learn about Overwatch 2 is a…
I don’t think you understand what incel means.
Haha, gross. The rancid vibes I’ve gotten from this case is that it’s mainly fueled by horny true crime podcast mommies, who pushed so hard that this man is now out of jail. Here’s to hoping he’s actually innocent.
The funny thing is the Faith being against homosexuality is entirely a show creation.
Grand Theft Auto:Dallas..... zZzZz
All of the pearl-clutching and hand-wringing that you do here every week aside, I do wish the character had gotten a bit more.. dignity while going out. But Joffrey Lonmouth is an extremely minor character in the story to begin with; if anything, his role was expanded and given more depth.
Does it also focus on the fact our “heroes” in the story were the biggest African slavers of the continent?
Man, remember the days when Democrats were cutthroat schemers and got shit done for real? Yeah, me neither cause I’m not old enough to have lived through those days, just read about them. Obama had a super majority and did fuck all to create any real lasting power cause he was too preoccupied trying to appear harmless.
People are willing to overlook and excuse anything they secretly agree with. Go get her glasses while you’re at it.
This is your bi-daily reminder to stop using the word Latinx. No Latino person uses that and you’re not any more woke for it. Gracias!
Who the hell is Katherine McPhee? Am I supposed to know who she is cause I’m gay? Cause i... have no idea who that is. She can choke tho~
Countdown until Mitch jams through a new judge and cements his place as the final nail in the coffin of this country.
Don’t really get the snarky angle to the Cat Cora story here. Sounds like a pretty serious topic.. but alright. Guess that’s just Jezebel.
Can you imagine the scathing mile and a half long post(ings) on here if it had been a female celebrity whose nudes leaked and everyone was “making fun of her”? Anyway