WHO? Never heard of ‘em. Are they named after the Star Trek Cardassians?
WHO? Never heard of ‘em. Are they named after the Star Trek Cardassians?
So.. have any of these Disney remakes been good, or? Seems to me like they’re all mediocre duds. Who woulda thunk it
I have no fuckin idea what any of this means
Oh, Rich. Never change, girl.
I hate D&D as much as the next sane individual, but god damn does this article read like a smarmy, pretentious child complaining about nothing.
Just wait until we go back to a Dem president. It’ll immediately go back to “HE/SHE DIDN’T SALUTE THE GUARDS!” like none of this happened. Just wait.
Dudes stocking shelves don’t get any vacation.
She’s done nothing particularly bad. She’s just an aging filthy rich celebrity who is so detached from reality and the work around her that apparently her producers did Bad(??) things and she didn’t know?
I’m loving all the righteous indignation posters on here backtracking now. It’s easy to shift the mob attack mentality towards someone else (say, Esther in this case) when your whole soapbox falls apart.
This is why I admire Pete Buttjudge’s milquetoast, overly rehearsed and saintly pure stories of meeting up with his husband. It’s smart for a gay man. The moment you try to do anything like hook up with consenting adults over Grindr or add someone to Instagram suddenly you’re a dangerous sexual predator and you need…
Well they’ve still got the jackboot on the throats of minorities so maybe let’s not be fooled by how “friendlier” they look.
My man if you’re from Kenya then you’re a Kenyan-American. The term “african american” is specifically for black people born in the US descended from the slave diaspora with no knowledge of where they came from.
It’s not that hard and I KNOW you’re not that dumb.
He’s.. right. Latinos come from DOZENS of different countries with different cultures. African-Americans are... from America. One country.
How the fuck did you get “50 percent” when the poll said Biden 43 and Trump 40? You really RAN to make this article, huh?
Damn we got some sizzling hot takes in the comments section I see.
So.. what? This guy is saying these nerds look like nerds? Sugoi, fam.
The show’s ending was only unpopular because of the show’s lazy ass shortcuts and ridiculous writing that bent the narrative to get to where they needed to be. Everything that was depicted in those final episodes can work wonderfully when WRITTEN WELL and naturally and not presented as a nonsensical lukewarm turd.
I don’t think they should have taken it down. I do, however, think it was fucking hilarious in how ridiculous it was. Wanting a nuclear family, being on time and working hard are apparently all things that are “white” now -- according to the African American Museum.
Has everybody forgotten about the fact Amber Heard cut his fucking finger off? The whole “wife beater” narrative falls apart when there’s actual recorded audio of her threatening him. BOTH of these people seem to be violent, toxic assholes.
I fucking hate Twitter so much it’s unreal. They will literally fight with and criticize anything and everything given enough time. Giving a voice to every bored idiot and then reporting on it like it’s news was maybe a mistake.