Narrowly missing their “six-ish years” deadline for the next season, Adult Swim unfortunately had no choice but to cancel them and replace them with a show drawn in crayon about a talking blunt who rides a motorcycle made of turds
Narrowly missing their “six-ish years” deadline for the next season, Adult Swim unfortunately had no choice but to cancel them and replace them with a show drawn in crayon about a talking blunt who rides a motorcycle made of turds
Adult Swim is in trouble. Their time used to run longer and had many out-of-the-ordinary shows. Now it’s down to 2-4 of anime hours at best with reruns of Family Guy and American Dad acting as filler.
Looks better, sounds better, told better jokes, had a better respect for what it riffed on, so yeah. Better in every way.
Venture Bros. is better than Rick and Morty!
I hope Brie Larson can pivot to something she’s good at. I like her but I’ve yet to watch anything she’s done and been like, “I would like more of this.”
Hopefully a highly-placed source will step forward and verify this story personally.
Melania does not improve with age. Despite being in the public eye for 20+ years, she still has the animation and warmth of a block of wood. She has done nothing to dissuade me from the idea that she is either a robot, a zombie, or a blow- up doll.
Don’t you know lady geeks don’t find husbands??
I’m tired, my feet hurt, I finished a week of swabbing noses and seeing people’s nose hairs, I spent a lot of today listening to complaining about how “this is going to take” (approximately 5 minutes) when they are getting a free covid test, without an appointment, Texas is probably going to overtake California in…
According to Fox, anything embarrassing/horrible that Trump does is a hoax.
Gun giveaways make perfect sense when you consider the base she’s courting. The fetishization of hate, violence and threatening WOC is what they want, straight, no chaser. They don’t want context or sense, just the sweet sweet hit of rage and dominance that falsely courses through their lizard brains whenever they…
I’m torn as a part of my would like to see her try to provide a reasonable explanation on how she, a single congresswoman of the likely minority Congress party, would be able to cause any issues to the Squad, who are a small group within the majority Congress. However, at the same time I’m worried that she would try…
it’s just a small sample of her overall campaign theme, which appears to be rooted in violence and intimidation.
I’m not sure how many times I’ve typed this, but I don’t think I can enough: There is not more racism in America, there are just more cameras recording it.
This is all new to young people. Older folks know this is the same old bullshit.
Fascist government officials use civilian paramilitaries to do dirty work that they don’t want to get caught doing. This is a playbook of oppression that Putin is using now and the right wing death squads of Central America and the various orange unionists of Northern Ireland have used in the recent past.
The part where she rants about white people speaking too much and “not yielding your time to us black and brown and indigenous new yorkers” was particularly rich.
After watching the video can’t believe she managed that for that long, she looks like the Karen archetype and her barrio impression was like a shit American impersonation of a cockney.
Oh, Rich. Never change, girl.