Emperor Sheev

Well they’ve still got the jackboot on the throats of minorities so maybe let’s not be fooled by how “friendlier” they look. 

Their presidential election about a month ago reminded me of our presidential election in 2014 save for the fact that Duda wasn’t even pretending to be a “compassionate” conservative; he totally skipped that stop. His entire re-election campaign was basically “Yeah, I’m going to cynically antagonize the LGBT community

My man if you’re from Kenya then you’re a Kenyan-American. The term “african american” is specifically for black people born in the US descended from the slave diaspora with no knowledge of where they came from.
It’s not that hard and I KNOW you’re not that dumb.

He’s.. right. Latinos come from DOZENS of different countries with different cultures. African-Americans are... from America. One country.

Yeah this news actually made me kinda sad, feels like we were so close.

Man, it almost sounds like the NRA was some kinda scam playing up fears about the sacred 2nd amendment being in danger just to fleece it members and exert pressure on politicians....to keep the scam going. Huh.

Well, black people voted for him overwhelmingly in the primaries, so why would he think he needs to do any better?

Ohio Gov. Mike DeWine canceled his Trump visit after testing positive for the coronavirus.

Boooooy, y’all’s presumptive Democratic nominee”

How the fuck did you get “50 percent” when the poll said Biden 43 and Trump 40? You really RAN to make this article, huh?

Just remember that any politician/rich person insisting that $600 dollars a week is too much is being willfully ignorant. Rather than the banana costing $10, they choose to believe that it costs 10 cents and that you’re buying lobster or new TVs with your luxurious unemployment money (which you can, and should, if you

It’s rich listening to bootlickers like Cruz and Graham boo-hooing about politicization of the Justice Dept and FBI given the actions of the sociopath they so slavishly serve. Their attempt to desperately manufacture a new Benghazi before the election is pathetic.

Damn we got some sizzling hot takes in the comments section I see.

They burned down her house?!

This take is so bad that the quality all of your other opinions are now in question.

Mulan is hard to beat! The songs and overall message are among the strongest of all the big Disney “princess” movies. As the parent of mixed Asian kids, it’s a powerful first-hand reminder of why representation is so important. (Not to mention, Li Shang is super hot—not unlike the former Army Captain I married.)

This is also a good time to remember that the DCCC instituted a rule to blacklist anyone who worked on a primary campaign against a congressional incumbent. So everyone who helped this campaign win can expect to see backlash for upsetting the existing power structure.

Sounds like Clay wasn’t a bad rep, but Congress should look like all the people, not like all the rich people.

The problem is that the opposition to abortion you’re talking about is bound up tight with a lot very deep emotions about sexuality and shame - especially for white women who belong to evangelical/traditional white Christian churches, where the theology is driven by terror of eternal damnation. And those churches have