Emperor Sheev

You fucking clowns realize the old Democratic coalition just jumped ships and BECAME the current Republican one, right? The flight of the dixiecrats? As current events have amply shown (with our new best friends Putin and Russia), racist conservatives are willing to embrace and change just about everything they hold

I love the changes to her turrets, but the rest of her kit feels incredibly awkward. What once was a good defense and Genji counter is now a ... shield buster? With a very, very awkward teleportation ability (that required players to bind a new key just to use, to boot). She more like Reaper now, as odd as that

Sym Main here, and though I don’t play her quite as often as I once did, I haven’t run into any problems like this yet. My only gripe with her overhaul is that the teleporter isn’t quite as useful as it once was, and I could get over removing her auto-lock laser beam (the only reliable Genji counter I’ve seen) if they

The coalitions were more or less always the same; they just changed labels.

Also from Splinter Video and your racist uncle, don’t miss out on our series: “Did you know Abraham Lincoln was Republican?”

No fucking shit, Sherlock. And then all of the Dixiecrats left the Democratic Party and became republicans after the Civil Rights Act was signed. 

Lol, let me guess, "Itz thuh party of slavery!!1! Republicans are party of Lincoln! Maga!" 

1 Something’s up in the Mueller investigation and Donnie got wind of it and freaked out.

The war seems to be: The Right: “You should all be forced to sing our music, pray with us and observe our holidays,” vs everyone else’s, “no, I don’t think so.”

People have been very confused when they wish me a Merry Christmas and I respond with Hail Satan. Jolly Ol’ Saint Beelzebub

I dunno, man - you may not associate with people like Charlie Kirk and this Allsup fellow, but they both seem pretty on-brand for eastern Washington. Whitman county is only slightly blue, likely due to the university being there, but outside of the school, eastern Washington is pretty conservative. Clinton only won

God, Allsup is a fucking lesion for us in Eastern Washington. I was a TA in the course where he learned all of the obnoxious edgewalking around the 1st Amendment, before I knew who he was. He was mostly quiet, and now I know he was absorbing all the info he could so he could apply it to his takeover of the College

that boat has sailed, established trade routes, and brought back a cargo thats going to be awkward to talk about in a few years. when they went with the southern strategy, They signed a deal with the devil.   they just piled on offense after offense. ramping up mass incarceration under reagan, disproportionate


“Press ‘Like’ to help Jesus win”

Amazon is evil. Period. This isn’t news.


Just wanted to point this out...

They are multiplying!