Okay but where did he get this money from? Parents?
I need to know more about his wealth so I can be PROPERLY disgusted with EVERY aspect of him.
Okay but where did he get this money from? Parents?
I need to know more about his wealth so I can be PROPERLY disgusted with EVERY aspect of him.
if you’re voting for anyone that doesnt have a (DEM) next to their name on the ballot, and didnt research the non partisan seats - then you have no one to blame but yourself for dems not taking these seats.
it literally does not matter where on the left they fall. as long as they are democrat. sort that shit out later…
Dear Lord the establishment Democrats are fucking morons.
This, right? How can the GOP continue to support Isra.... oh, I forgot. It’s because they have a wall and shoot refugees on sight.
The hundreds of millions in aid we send Israel every year, and the billions in weapons (which they then sell to other countries) would say yes.
Of course, we can’t replace the water lines in Flint or any of the other dozens of cities struggling with the same problems, but we can prop up a friendly apartheid state.
“You will be shocked to learn that,” LOL. No. No one with half an operable brain (all non-Trump supporters) are not the slightest bit shocked. There is a reason the rich are rich. They keep it.
The GOP will literally do anything apparently if you say you are from Israel.
They’ll say something like “Trump didn’t get the abortion. She got the abortion.” or they’ll call her a liar cuz you know women.
Michael Avenatti has also said (not mentioned in the linked article, but widely reported this morning) that there was a pregnancy involved in one of the Trump cases handled by Michael Cohen.
So you know it objectively happened to her.... because it happened to you?
This is called ‘projecting’ and is not a feasible defense in any courtroom or investigation.
“doesn’t consider [endorsing] candidates who...refuse to run openly as socialists.”
The biggest problem with Democratic Socialists is branding. Change the name to “Not A Bunch Of Assholes Who Don’t Care If You Live Or Die,” or NABOAWDCIYLOD, and they’ve got both my vote and an actual chance of success. NABOAWDCIYLOD for life!
Shepard Smith? I mean, he has come out as gay, so in the eyes of the viewers and maybe some of the staff, he is a deviant. They probably have wanted to fire him because he doesn’t follow the norm over there. He is the only person over there that is the most “fair and balanced”.
So is there anyone at that network that wasn’t a sexual predator, raging asshole, lackey for The GOP & Trump administration or just a total fucking deviant? That place needs to be fucking burned to the ground. If they were so consumed with public image maybe they could stop being a mouthpiece for the most corrupt and…
Just another day in America’s #1 Christian Family Values™ Channel
engaging in emotionally abusive behavior toward hair and makeup artists and support staff.
So everyone at Fox News is a sexual harasser then...
This women is just so disingenuous, first she accuses “a mildly successful podcaster to a powerhouse CEO of his own company.”) like everybody wouldn’t figure out is was chris hardwick, c’mon. Then she was like I have evidence of abuse but I’m not going to release it and I’m taking a break from social media cause I…
OMG, are you thinking what I’m thinking?
Welp, this is the collusion. This is the “what did Dumpster know and when did he know it?” This is the part where “collusion” meets “conspiracy with a foreign power against the United States”.