Emperor Sheev

I was disgruntled, but not especially surprised, that they left that detail out of this article, even though it’s dead-center in the linked Variety piece (with a giant pull quote no less). I guess that doesn’t stoke the outrage the same way. Of course they can also defend themselves by saying that anyone doing this

I used to get very happy and excited and think think things like this were Trump’s final “gotcha” moment. Now I wonder if Trump would have to give national address on TV while feeding puppies into a wood chipper before something will happen.

Hey, I went to Trump U. and I got a pretty good educamation!

Famous last words: “I won’t settle this case!” (see: Trump University).

She had to go to the HOSPITAL after his dick slap?!
Damn girl I wanna be next wtf

Hey so not to put a dent in your narrative or anything, and this is apropos of nothing, but I want to clarify the VAST majority of the people spreading these memes were... gay people. It was a joke. Perhaps tasteless, but still a joke.

Nit sure about Hawaii, but numbers 2 through 6 are heavily Democrat.

Both parties aren’t that interested in solving this. Affordable housing just isn’t a hot button issue for donors at $5,000 a plate dinners.

Seriously? This is some petty nonsense right here. The ‘I don’t know her’ tweet was a little bit bitchy, at worst, but making a big deal out of the rest of these tweets and even the Amy Winehouse corpse is ridiculous. Dead celebrities are a thing at Halloween. Must be a slow news day.

He’s already talked about revoking citizenship for people who won’t respect the flag, and his advisors have said citizenship should be revoked for Muslim-Americans. I think we should be afraid.

Step by step. Inch by inch. First, it’s “illegals.” Then, it’s “shouldn’t be citizens.” Next, it’ll be “don’t deserve citizenship.” Before long, everyone’s right to live here will be at the government’s whim. Don’t salute the flag and sing the anthem? Criticize the president? Out you go.

Wait ... is that why we haven’t seen Melania in a while? Did she get deported for lying on her green card application?

If he hasn’t already done so, Trump is going to record a video that will be played at his funeral telling everyone how alive he looks lying there in the coffin.

“Some of them heard their children screaming for them in the next room,” congresswoman Pramila Jayapal told the Washington Post of immigrant women held in a federal prison facility who had been separated from their children. “Not a single one of them had been allowed to say goodbye or explain to them what was

Haven’t you heard? Russia is good now, Putin is a real cool dude and Canadian milk is public enemy #1.

I assume the NRA’s patriotic supporters are going to cancel their membership in droves upon hearing this treasonous news........ No?

November can’t come fast enough. And November 2020 really can’t come fast enough.

Until Democrats find a better way to fix things than writing sternly worded Tweets it won’t get fixed. And that goes from the GOP moderate guys too, who basically only speak up if they aren’t running for re-election and even then they only write about how “disappointed” they are. They need to “disappoint” their ass

“The Daily Beast reports that Marine veteran Erik Sailors heads the Texas chapter of Patriot Front...”

I really feel like we are sitting on a powder keg and something has got to give. Just one spark and shit is going to go off. Both domestically and foreign policy wise, I have a deep sense of foreboding.