Emperor Sheev

I’m not even gonna comment on the actual announcement. I started watching the conference around this point and the only thing I could think is “OH MY GOD!!!! WOULD YOU FUCKERS PLEASE STOP????” (In my defense, I had nothing else to watch). EA is just pathetic though for not even bringing concept art, a trailer or

Leaks that told us about Fallout 76 last year also said there would not be a new elder scrolls title ... any time soon. Like, none at all. ESO is apparently making just enough money for them to drop that franchise for the foreseeable future.

Lets not get ahead of ourselves. He did not specifically say single player.

My face during this whole show.

Not really though. After every announcement she was like “This is so excitiiiiing” in this really annoying pitch. And her comments like “well now I know I can have my pink armor” or something along those lines were cringe worthy, and you can tell the audience felt the same.

I did not think there could be a host worse than Aisha Tyler boy was I wrong.

I don’t have the video but i’m pretty sure he said something like “right after the fall of the jedi order”

and then he described what time period it takes place in and she asked what movies that was in-between. Like I get that mainstream audiences might not know but they aren’t the ones watching the EA live stream.

Singleplayer Star Wars at last?

This announcement was one of the most cringeworthy things I’ve ever seen. For instance, the lady with the microphone seriously asked Vince Zampella if you could use a lightsaber in a game about Jedi.

Bernie’s basically saying, “You want in, you get in on your own. Don’t be riding my coattails to Congress.”

My detailed analysis is as follows: a bunch of fucking assholes bought the Newsweek brand, and put their fucking asshole editorial slant on it.

I don’t even understand these headlines. Why would we want to know about his daughter, wife and friend after which is a “comma” and then mention his death. I don’t even understand what they are trying to get at.

Are you always this tiresome? Sizeist? Give us all a break.

Who the fuck is cannonozing him?

When it leads to your impeachment.

When I worked at gamestop, I had a kid pay for a PS2 and a couple of games with nothing but gold dollar coins (250 of those damn things).
Yes, I was annoyed as shit but to start yelling at someone paying with LEGAL TENDER is something else.

If your reaction to being paid in change morphs from mild annoyance escalating right into verbal and physical assault, you need to be removed from society for awhile.

Does anyone here remember the actual details of the affair, or that the president was literally impeached in the House for lying about the affair? Just curious. Even Lewinsky herself is not so bold as to say anything other than that the whole situation can be seen as nothing other than complicated. Lewinsky is a hell

This is clearly just what aboutism. Donald Trump is garbage. What about Bill Clinton?