Emperor Sheev

And I agree with that. But socialist policies =/= communism.

Truly spoken like someone who’s never had to live in a communist country. Very edgy.

I’m kinda confused by these semi-veiled, sizzling “CAPITALISM WILL KILL THE PLANEThot takes you guys seem to spit out of here. So.. what is it? You’re calling for a global communist revolution? That’s what you think will save the planet? A communist US magically won’t have such a big army? Rich/powerful people will

Dicked? Like, they fucked? In the middle of the field?
I’m gonna have to start watching sports now

Let’s be real here regarding that article header and some of the other comments I’ve already seen: Gay people who support Trump, and other such ‘Log Cabin Republicans’ are such an astronomical minority that you might as well blame the other big popular demographics next... like all the Zoroastrians in Ohio. And I know

So...stealing money from people is totally fine, as long as you’re gay and the people you’re stealing from are Christian.

Beard jokes aside, I find it very telling and kinda sad that this dude just can’t come out in the year 2019. It’s a calculated and smart strategy to not do so, because his brand would instantly implode when all the tween girls stop buying his posters, but still sad. Hopefully Ricky Martin is somewhere out there

This shit is gonna be wild come Season 5 of The Crown. Can’t wait.

Imagine, if you would, Larry King sensually crawling towards you from the end of the bed. He’s growling and shimmying his way up, his glasses capturing the mood lighting perfectly; he’s completely nude but for a tie. He snaps at you with his ivory dentures and continues to growl — Mr. King wants your attention and he

It’s so hilariously shallow and obvious and yet people seem to fall for it still. Forced, unfunny memes and paying ““influencers”””” to shill for them are the new commercials of the future. 

So, like, is Ms. Kirsten good at anything other than going after her own people to score purity points (with absolutely no one)? It seems to me her only Cause de jure is self-cannibalizing her party by being the first to throw everyone around her under the bus when no one’s asked her to.
Whatever keeps her in the

.. why were you talking to her? These people are not engaged. 

I really do like Warren, and she’s probably my number one pick going into the primaries, but it’s become painfully obvious that nobody is better at shooting themselves in the foot by pandering than she is. The final confirmation of that was her cringy use of “Latinx” during the first debates. She seems bound and

I’m glad everybody in the comments is coming after your ass for your insistence on using that fucking stupid “latinx” word. Kill it. Kill it with a hatchet, then bury it out back.

This post is cringe.

Fucking thank you. The only people who say and use “Latinx” — which sounds like flu medicine — are Tumblr people. Half of them not even Hispanic in any way. Oh and Elizabeth Warren, I guess.


I’ve said this before, and it’s been happening for a number of years now, but we really are living in a conspiracy-obsessed world of crackpots, where the smallest thing is a grand Illuminati cover-up and there’s approximately about 12 pedophile satanic cults in every city.

Are you seriously using Andrew Yang as a springboard for your indignant fat-shaming outrage Think Piece? Gurl; nobody even remembers who Andrew Yang is, much less cares what he has to says.
Wait until someone of more note says fat people are peepee poopoo dumbheads so you can REALLY come at them with your inspired and