Emperor Sheev

If I’ve learned anything, it’s that people REALLY love to hate every little thing this man does. It’s the popular thing to do.
Nevermind that he’s one of a very small handful of directors still out there successfully doing big projects with unique visions (and without having The Mouse Co. looking over his shoulder),

What am I supposed to be admiring here? What’s the joke? Cause he got his crotch covered up. Homegirl clearly doesn’t want us to see bulge, so why am I here?

What the fuck is a BTS?

Do you even know what a foreskin looks like? Cause that’s a lot of foreskin on that man.

I wish I could print this comment out and stamp it on people’s foreheads.

Taylor Switch is a snake that was born with a silver spoon in her mouth and will take whatever side is most beneficial to her. Sick and tired of these straight cis women propping themselves up as the holy savior totem for a community they have nothing to do with.

Apparently the guy purposely made all of his online social media paint him as a liberal so they’d blame the left and antifa to ramp tensions up. And the media, predictably, took the bait. He was a /pol/ 4chan misfit like all the other ones.

Antoni is masc4masc, obviously. Your fangirl shipping is way off, sis.

Who are you quoting?

Damn, nice response. You sure proved him wrong and taught him the error of his ways. Please finish it off with a “yo mama fat” line for a truly woke aftertaste. 

Why were you deported?

So a black woman needs to be the democratic VP pick every single election cycle? This is your brain on identity politics.

... is being the “product of meritocracy” a bad thing now? Is getting to a position of power based on merit and skill not good now? Please explain this hot take to me cause I’m not woke enough. 

Free twink heads in everyone’s fridge. 

This is literally nothing new. Who do you think makes up the largest percentage of 4chan? Who do you think that half Iranian kid that gunned down people yesterday in the name of “white nationalism” was? Being an edgy contrarian reactionary fascist is the new thing with these bored zoomers. 

Al Sharpton reportedly “Hates Whites & Cops,” according to the president, who inadvertently must be quoting every leftist in Brooklyn’s online dating bio.

He hasn’t, I dunno why this place is acting like he’s some new shit all of a sudden. Also pretty hypocritical of this Titus person to pull a “didn’t happen to me so it’s all cool” card.

Andy Cohen might be a shit bag, but defending Eddie Murphy is not exactly a hill I’m willing to die on. As far as I’m concerned he’s another piece of shit. 

Which one is this one? The kinda cute guy that kept bringing up how much of a Native American he was? At all times? Wasn’t he, like.. 20? Anyway bye I guess.