For those of you who may be fuzzy on its origins, this meme basically began when Netflix erroneously had the Babadook listed under the LGBT category for a brief period. That’s it, it’s that simple. And great.
For those of you who may be fuzzy on its origins, this meme basically began when Netflix erroneously had the Babadook listed under the LGBT category for a brief period. That’s it, it’s that simple. And great.
What was his cat’s name, again?
So I have a question regarding this stuff. Correct me if I’m wrong, but didn’t this kid come out and outright admit he was coached into lying about the molestations by his parents for money? I seem to remember almost all these allegations falling apart because the evidence and testimony was all super shady and…
Japan has a rap sheet of problematic behavior about as long as the United State’s. Their, uh, “quirky” culture can only get you so far.
Is nobody going to write an article about these “Black Israelite” buffoons (who up until that incident I did not know about)? Screaming at the crowd about giving “faggots rights”? No? Ok. Just focus on the asshole MAGA kids then.
I refuse to vote for anyone who’s name is “Kirsten.” That’s not a real name, it should be “Kristen.” She lost my vote. #RealNameorBust
I’m saying they’re both pieces of shit and I’m not gonna be shedding any tears for her any time soon. And that’s that on that.
I don’t mean to take away from her trauma in any way, because no one deserves that kind of abuse and violence, but everything I’ve learned about this woman paints her in a less-than-flattering light.
You’re telling me you married this openly fascist, pampered manchild and had no idea his political views were maybe a…
A.. “trap” artist? What does this mean? Being around the sewers of the internet has taught me a “gay trap” is maybe an entirely different thing.
Jeff Bezos needs to get the guillotine just as much as Trump, so defending him just cause Trump doesn’t like him is not the hill I’m dying on. I can walk and chew bubblegum and hate both bastards at the same time.
The episodes are always split 50/50 with naked men and naked women showing everything. Don’t strain yourself trying to reach for that outrage, sweetie.
Is that the guy that lost to the Zodiac Killer even after taking oil money?
What about the fourth type of movie? Where two men head into the woods to have wild lubeless, bean-fueled sex in a tent. Y’know, the best one? Hello?
Jasmine wants to shatter the glass ceiling and become the first CEO of Agrabah Oil Inc.
Well, at least you agree this shit doesn’t matter. Could have gone 50/50 either way on these boards, tbh.
What.... the fuck did I just read
Please keep these unflattering comparisons to yourself. Trump could never.
Please do not speak ill of Bush he’s a really nice guy who draws pictures and said funny things and meant well but that doodoo head Bin Laden attacked him and forced his hand. None of the Bushes have ever done anything wrong and they’re a gleaming example of what GOOD REPUBLICANS used to be like. Did you even see the…
Back in the distant past of 2009 when everybody was saying they’d smash their sons’ heads in if they were gay? Sit the fuck down
I know it’s been said before, but this is literally the final death knell for Tumblr. This is not only alienating the majority of their userbase, but it’s also an extremely lazy way to combat their “problem” — the problem being Apple scared them into finally doing something about bots. And Tumblr’s staff is reacting…