Emperor Sheev

But her motherfuckin’ emails, amirite, folks?

If this shit had been done to poorer people, they’d just call it a bad investment and they’d get fuck all. But because it happened to rich kiddies of course they’re gonna get richer for their troubles. 

Doubt it. This whole review is a wreck. 

The year is 2018, and superheroes are illegal

Do asexuals really need representation that badly? When was the last time an asexual got beaten up in the streets for.. not wanting to fuck? lol

Please continue to yell at the “judgy millennials” with one hand and jack off to your Betty Boop porn with the other.

Please stop your millennial scapegoat bullshit already. Millennials pretty much run places like Tumblr and Deviantart which is almost exclusively cartoon porn. So sit down.

Cuban here. You are wrong in every aspect of this. Good day.


So.. you’re freely admitting its possibly unfair but “fuck it cause it’s happened to a million women”? You just running this on spite? Ok.

She had to go to the HOSPITAL after his dick slap?!
Damn girl I wanna be next wtf

Hey so not to put a dent in your narrative or anything, and this is apropos of nothing, but I want to clarify the VAST majority of the people spreading these memes were... gay people. It was a joke. Perhaps tasteless, but still a joke.

It’s true; can confirm.

Leaks that told us about Fallout 76 last year also said there would not be a new elder scrolls title ... any time soon. Like, none at all. ESO is apparently making just enough money for them to drop that franchise for the foreseeable future.

Honey, who told you I had a crush on that crusty white 16 year old twink boy? At least Pattinson is actually handsome in some ways. You presume too much.

She’s bad, but the lowest point was ol’ trash eating robot spider legs Maul showing up again.

Honey that boy gay.

.... Didn’t Carol Burnett die like a year ago? Who the hell was that?

Is the police man saying all this... not.. also black? So black-on-black contempt? Not sure the actual story here follows your header.

Yeah I don’t care what PETA has to say about anything. They’re a hypocritical scam organization run by contrarians and borderline lunatics. It’s 2018, jezebel; you should know this by now.