Hola, this is your neighborhood pedantic Latino here to once again remind you “Latinx” is a made up word by white people and means absolutely nothing to us. Thank you.
Hola, this is your neighborhood pedantic Latino here to once again remind you “Latinx” is a made up word by white people and means absolutely nothing to us. Thank you.
What the fuck is a cup?
Did you just tell that person they should not feel a certain way because these random two people who are apparently the presidents of the gays accepted her apology? lol
Putting a fucking wrap on your head doesn’t have an ethnicity. Jesus.
It must be exhausting to constantly worry that every little thing you do may be perceived as a slight. So long as it’s not a straight up hijab, you’re fine.
Yes. You’re stupid. :)
TIL: women get smegma too. :)
The thing about Elliot Rodgers (and I’ve spent way more time in 4chan than I care to admit; god help my soul) is that he started out as another meme. He’s mostly STILL just regarded as a meme over there. And thankfully, the vast majority of people think of him only as a joke.
Yeah cause you’re shooting balls out of a gun. You cannot be this stupid. No wait, you can.
Honey, an “actual” shooter (a la Call of Duty) would be Soldier 76 and maybe Tracer — if THAT’S what YOU’RE qualifying them by. Almost everybody else still shoots projectiles, though.. so.. a shooter. Still.
This game was made with a lot of varied playstyles in mind. Just because people like Winston, Symmetra, Junkrat and Mei exist doesn’t mean it’s not a shooter. In fact, actual “shooters” in the game are probably the minority.
This right here.
I’ve never understood why Blizzard lets these “pro” players (a MINUSCULE percentage compared to the main playerbase) dictate what impacts millions of people. It’s ridiculous.
Support does not mean healing. Support is a loaded word.
She supports by having a teleporter and providing individual shields to people (her original kit).
Blizzard is perpetually introducing “imperfect” (see: varied) elements into their games and then trying to “fix” them. This is what happened to Mercy. She was “too easy to play” then they made her to she required “skill.”
Plat is the vast majority of the playerbase.
Not everyone is a master video game player like you, edgelord. Go take a cold shower
So.. take Reinhardt, Doomfist and Bridgette out of the game too?
Right?! What am I without Chopped reruns? Nothing, I tells ya. Nothing!
Everybody’s for the idyllic Sweden style prisons until they meet truly reprehensible and irredeemable people. Shkreli not even coming close to the worse ones.
Worse. Food Network and Cartoon Network
I just got a letter telling me a bunch of basic, popular channels I’ve had for decades are gonna be taken away from me soon and I’ll have to pay for an extra package if I want to see them.
Are we pulling receipts on Barb right after she dies? What do we think, folks, what’s the consensus? On the one hand, she’s said some truly fucked up shit over the years in defense of her husband and two idiot sons. On the other, she seems to have been a mostly harmless, if not out-of-touch rich white woman who…