Emperor Sheev

Indian men can be just as rapey and dirt bag-y as white men. Try not to clutch your pearls too hard, dear.

How do you know they’re men? Can you smell them? Are men’s comments just that inherently different than women’s? Don’t wanna sound like I’m manquestioning you, just odd.

Literally all I know about this Ansel Englort person I know from you people. I swear these sites have a crush on him. Like a schoolgirl that won’t admit she has a crush on the pretentious popular boy.

This is what I’ve been yelling about for months now. I dont get it. Okay so you DONT want me to play as Mercy anymore, got it, who am I supposed to heal as? Lucio and Moira are OKAY but still inferior to Mercy, and Zenyatta and Ana are jokes who can’t hold up an entire team by themselves.

Oh honey. You’re living in Disney’s Star Wars now. 89.9% of it is gonna be fanservice.

All opinion is subjective. But when you find yourself being in the 1% and almost everybody else disagrees with you, that doesn’t make you some enlightened, misunderstood genius. Just a contrarian.

Shit opinion, my dude. VERY shit opinion.
3 is almost universally regarded as the worst one, with 2 being the best.

Oh my god what a shock, more Witcher 3. Literally every one of these “what are you playing” articles is Witcher 3

A LITERAL nazi nation, you say? Hmm.

The election of Donald Trump was when the United States, collectively as a country, jumped the shark.

That’s a win-win for him. Trump is at his strongest when he’s shouting about the brown terrorists and walls.

Is it bad that I instantly recognize Tagame’s style? Maybe it is bad if you’re familiar with his, uh.... other works lol

It’s kind of crazy to see Republicans still using this line in the midst of a populist uprising

Trump cannot be killed while at the height of his presidency. He will be made a martyr by his cancerous blind base and only fuel them. He needs to go down a pathetic, whimpering death either by impeachment or a stroke/heart attack.

I dunno what the fuck that means but your commitment to shitposting and spamming every comment is admirable. How the hell did you get out of the grays?

Bill Clinton was not molesting 14-year-olds either, but very nice try.

Remember, like, two years ago when everybody was saying the Republican party was devastated/over, and Democrats would control most of the government for at least a decade or so? What the fuck happened to that? How did we get here in such a short time?

It’s not that serious, my dude. It’s not that serious.
I say this as a double minority myself who’s tired of seeing his race/sexuality be made fun of in tv and movies.

Yeah we gotta be just as morally upstanding as the Republicans. Look at how much guilt and accountability Donald Trump took over grabbing people by the pussy and raping his ex-wife. Truly, they’re on a different moral ground than we are.

Okay, where are the dudes? I wanna fuck a dude.
This is why I’ve never been interested in these persona games. They’re like dating sims — SHITTY dating sims.