Emperor Sheev

The burden is not on these spoof videos, it’s on the parents and Youtube itself. The answer is not to ban or erase shit, it’s to fix their filtering system. If I find cannibal cartoon pigs eating each other funny then that’s MY fucked up prerogative, not yours.

I made a similar post when this article went up and it mysteriously vanished. Nicki Minaj is a piece of shit homophobic enabler and hypocrite who was covering up for her brother for a while. Not my fault the tea’s too hot

Good. Fuck him and fuck Nicki Minaj’s enabling, homophobic ass for defending him.

The woman’s gotta sell her book, folks! Baby needs a new pair of shoes and food don’t put itself on the table! Fuck Democracy I need new periwinkle dye for my hair!

I don’t get people’s hatred of this character so much. In my playthrough I understood him and, while not always agreeing with him, respected him. And he did the same with me. Which made his betrayal all the more shocking to me.

It was a hurricane.. The most natural of disasters.

I really wish Blizzard didn’t pander so much to this niche pro player base. They make up a minuscule percentage of the playerbase. Whatever the hell they think of the game is not going to impact how 99% of the playerbase feels. Personally, I don’t mind the new Mercy changes, but saying she “didn’t take any skill

Bob Ross

Are women not allowed to make fun of each other?

Seasons 1 and 2 are probably the best. And by “best” I do mean “least awful.”

This is why original, new movies (not that this is either; it’s a sequel) are never made. Not sure what the hell they needed to do to “attract” the female audience, but it’s a shame cause this was a pretty good movie.

Isn’t this the movie where an adult man falls in love with and has sex with a kid? I like my crappy gay romance movies but I dunno how to feel about this one.


He kinda cute ‘n thicc tho.. 👀

Why would that traumatize you? Legit question. Not to sound insensitive but.. it’s a woman’s body. I’m fine looking at it and I’m a gay dude

I always love how some historians bend over backwards trying to erase homosexuality throughout history. See this caveman painting of a guy sucking someone’s dick? WELL THIS IS JUST TYPICAL MALE FRIENDSHIP OF THE TIME! Homosexuality did not exist in antiquity and was invented by Oscar Wilde in a lab.

Holy shit her description in twitter is LITERALLY “birth mom to Colin.” Like that’s her biggest claim to “fame” — being the hole this man came out of who didn’t even raise him. THEN having the audacity to claim moral superiority and disapproval for his choices. What a fucking scumbag.

Not that i am a right winger, all politics suck.

Oh, I thought this was gonna be about how disproportionally and disturbingly homophobic straight black men can be/are.. but alright. Guess we haven’t gotten there yet.

Learn how to weigh pros and cons and accept not everyone is perfect you child. You will LITERALLY never have a perfect presidential candidate. Gandhi was a misogynistic racist and MLK a womanizing habitual cheater; grow up.