Emperor Sheev

I’ve come to that same conclusion for some time now. HL2 Ep. 3 was scrapped a long time ago, and they most likely moved on to making a full-fledged Half-Life 3 title. Except they probably tried to make it work around source 2, and it’s not quite there yet.

As a gay man, part of me wants to see Milo Whateverthefuckoulos right up there with Judas and Brutus in the ninth circle of hell being eaten by Satan for his treasonous ass. But as a gay man, another part of me wants to kinda hate fuck him.

No McCarthy? No Andrew Jackson? C’mon man, gotta step your game up.

In a dual role Idris Elba can be Michael Jackson and Janet Jackson. WHAT CAN’T HE DOOO?~

You do realize that censorship only means that the government can’t arrest you for what you say?

That’s fine. Nobody’s gonna go see this movie anyway.

How ironic that the US, France and Russia are now the nationalists. Maybe Germany will come through as the hero in WW3.

Okay but where’s Torbjorn???

Because the words “Latin” or “Latino” were not already gender neutral. How tragic. No seas estupidx

This stupid “Latinx” word some liberals are trying to push sounds like a fucking venereal disease. The words “Latino” or “Latin” were already gender-neutral; no need to get your panties in a knot.

It was for me. ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

People that want Symmetra nerfed should be hit in the face with a fucking trout. People that want Torbjorn nerfed need to be hit across the face with TWO trouts.

I’m shaming him for his body shape.

How ‘bout you report on the fact Debbie Reynolds was just rushed to the hospital after a stroke. I dont give a fuck about Jennifer Lopez and Drake’s newest stupid publicity stunt.

What the fuck is wrong with chinese people? Why is everything some sort of “healing recipe”? Pangolin scales? Check. Shark dicks? Check. Elephants, rhinos, tigers. Check check check.
I wonder which animal they’ll start killing next to get rid of all that pollution.

Wait I dont get it. The one I see missing legs is the girl holding the wine glass. The one everyone is focusing on I thought had the denim jeans.

Did you seriously just compare their idiotic 8-year Obama paranoia to Trump’s ACTUAL, CREDIBLE and ESTABLISHED threat? You may have just been one of the problems during this election, my dude. Congratulations, you’ve been played.

A lot of shows/productions have gotten into the sneaky habit of using prosthetic penises, actually. So a lot of the time what you’re seeing isn’t even the real deal.

Twitter (and Facebook for that matter) are some of the worst things introduced in the last decade. Yes they provide some “good” — but the negatives have begun to outweigh the positives.
I don’t understand how we got to a point where presidents of nations are using this fucking thing to issue official statements and

Didn’t this happen, like.. two days ago?
You guys will come late to the first nuclear strike that starts WW3.