Historically, it is well known and documented that the most oppressed people are white, straight Christians.
Historically, it is well known and documented that the most oppressed people are white, straight Christians.
Your mistake was playing on PC. PC is “mater race” right up until it comes to human decency. Then play on consoles, where the absolute worst “trolling” you’ll ever see is maybe somebody teabagging once.
Because you can count the number of gay characters in video games in one hand, and gay children should be able to see that there’s other people like them and it isn’t a weird fucking deal. That’s why.
Ooooh-ho-ho-boy.. This is becoming quite a busy Monday, isn’t it.
2016 is not gonna go out gently. I expect World War 3 to be declared by December 30th.
Good. Let Trump botch every second of it. Let him shame himself and this country for decades to come. That’s the only way you can convince half a country they were wrong.
Better start saying goodbye to Angela. This shit is almost laughably predictable at this point. If France gets one more of these run-away trucks or another concert, you’ll have LaPen overnight. Hell, you may already be getting Trumperina regardless of any more attacks. And Germany is headed that way faster than you…
1. Go on Netflix
2. Look under the historical documentary category
3. Take a shot every time you see anything with the title “Hitler”
This country has to hit rock bottom before it can get better.
Wait until they start seeing things are not “getting better”; they’ll stay the same at best or get much MUCH worse for everyone at worst. I’m actually looking forward to Trump becoming president already. I’ve already made peace with the fact we’re fucked,…
So, full disclosure —- I fucking love Tilda Swinton a hundred times more now.
Granted, I am white...but am I missing something?
Or maybe you’re just way too high and have no fucking idea what you’re talking about. Pick one or both.
I live in rural Georgia. I’ve never hit a deer in my life.
You’d have to be driving at highway speeds or be completely blind to hit one.
Maybe pay attention to the road and dont ram your car into an animal that’s pretty hard to miss. The problem may just be with you.
That woman on the left looks like the absolute biggest asshole. Like you just KNOW she’s the one that walks into every store just to argue with the employees and complain to every manager.
Excuse you, uncut soft dicks are beautiful. All dicks are beautiful. You dick bigot.
Everyone’s a contrarian.
I knew this story was fake as shit as soon as I first heard it a while back. Because it SOUNDS like something a fucking teenager would come up with. And I’m gonna go ahead and say it: this is not the only fake post-Trump-win story like this I’ve read. People love to make themselves victims and martyrs and all it does…
I am now 101% positive, without a single shadow of doubt, that Trump is filling his cabinet with people merely to troll not only the opposition, but the very people he’s hiring.
The same way they continue to blame Obama for this terrible economy we’re living in, which is, I hear, worse than the Great Depression.
I see we’ve literally learned nothing even after Trump won the presidency because of people like you.