Emperor Sheev

Source on that dick run? ... Preferably with pictures? ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

Why are asian kids always doing shit like this? Like.. why? Is it something in the water?

What makes you so Golden, Mama? Golden showers?

I’ve been mentally preparing myself for this ever since she was announced. Everybody is always “the bestest sniper ever!!” This is just gonna make all the Widowmaker kiddies jump over to a new character and make them even more useless.

I went back sometime around Draenor after having stopped playing near the end of Wrath and it’s an entirely different game. And not in a good way, either. They have dumbed down everything massively.
They wanted to appeal to more people, and apparently that means sucking out any and all difficulty the game ever had.

Um. Resident Evil 5 was crap. Just because some time has passed doesn’t mean it’s magically good now. Nostalgia and age don’t make something good.

I hope you take comfort in the knowledge that Valor is by far the single most hated team and lest popular.

Um . . people with hands?
What are the cool kids doing now a days? Belly button jobs?

But you took the time to reply with a custom reaction image for the occasion. So I’d say you more than care :)

Ho-Oh >>>> Lugia
Fight me

“OH MY GOD I CAUGHT A MEW! OH, you did too? And you too? And every single person on the face of this country? okay”

Good. The stupid obsession with this (pretty crappily-made, tbh) app has gone way over the ridiculous line. I’m all for more socializing and going out, but it’s seriously not worth it. Don’t these mouth breathers’ batteries die? god damn

Stay tuned to read the article from the deaf guy about how all music is ableist and unfair to him. Followed by the article about how articles are unfair to blind people. How are they supposed to read them? DID YOU EVEN STOP TO CONSIDER THAT?

Vaginas truly are so disgusting. God.

“Guys, we can’t push this payload with just a Hanzo, Widowmaker, Genji and Tracer. We need a healer.”

I liked being able to point to her and say, “There’s one of us!”

The more I play this game, the more I realize how little thought was put into it and how crappy it is. There are so many goddamn issues. SO MANY. Nothing seems to work for me. I’ll stand next to a pile of leaves and nothing happens. The AR has literally never worked for me once; it might as well not even be a feature

The closest landmark to me (and I mean really close) is an ancient dilapidated and hidden graveyard. The picture is a closeup of some person’s tombstone who died in 1868. I had no idea this graveyard was so close to me in all my years of living here and I have no earthly idea how this app got that picture.

The only landmarks “near me” are two hideous churches and a literal tombstone. I’ve also only seen like 2 pokemon the entire day. Can you tell I live in the middle of nowhere?

When this cutie starts fighting, her clothes start becoming more tattered due to her clumsiness.