Emperor Sheev

Did you hear this from the President of Gays? When did they make that declaration? I missed it. I’ll take any sort of representation over none. To say nothing of the fact all stereotypes come from some truth.
So what if she looks like a massive bull dyke? Rock it. That’s pride.
That’s only really visible on this side

I have no idea what you’re even saying in that post. I don’t understand. You’re mad now cause she’s a stereotype? I thought your first complaint was that you didn’t want any character to have any sort of sexuality. Just say you don’t want to see gay characters in your video games, dude; it’s much easier.

All stereotypes come from some truth.

I bet you’re also the type who “never sees race.”
I too wish I’d have the luxury to not care about gay people in my games. Or claim to, at any rate. But seeing as there are barely any, and we’re now starting to see some small change in that, I’m gonna have to take the low road and be happy about a fictional video game

Good. Whatever makes the Russian homophobes squirm is a solid positive in my book. Fuck their government. I want Zarya to clean more carpet than a vacuum cleaner; she’s great as is.

Is it gonna taste as mediocre as the movie? Badum tsh.

Oh my god, it’s the “it’s a hit so it’s flawless” defense. Air-tight argument. Followed by the butthurt buzzword! Will the claimant be able to recover from this?!

I will! Right after I wrap my head around the words “festering, petulant, bickering, puckered asshole.”

Nintendo is like that trust fund kid that has zero life experience, charisma, skills, tact, can’t relate to anyone and hasn’t done anything useful in like 7 years. But his gigantic wealth and name recognition alone somehow still keep him alive.

You know you’ve arrived when your enlightened, supporting and progressive post takes a moment to scold the author for her OWN micro aggressions. What a time to be alive.

Oh my god, really? I wasn’t aware. Thank you grandpa. I’ll go play with my stick and hoop outside in the real world and not talk about any fictional work ever again.

Quite a number of people care, actually. But do keep bending backwards trying to defend it. You do you, honey.

“Congratulations on completely failing every task we’ve given you and doing the one thing you were not supposed to do. Truly, now, that you’ve failed to grasp every concept we stand for, are you No One. Arya Stark of Winterfell daughter of Eddard Stark and Catelyn Stark — you are no one. Wanna stay?”

What the hell is wrong with that man’s face? The older he gets the more inbred he looks. He has such an obnoxious, petulant, punchable mug. And almost every news article I see him in now a days is him bitching about something or other. Is the life of a millionaire who got rich off of yelling at 10 year old girls on

Preach! PREACH!
I get into discussions with people about this and it always ends with them calling me a book purist, and I’m like.. No, this really has nothing to do with what they omitted or left out or did differently, it’s really about how much they’ve fucked up the characters and how awful the writing and logic has

Eh, the only thing this season, and season finale, did for me was just hype up the next book all the more. Yeah yeah Cersei burned down the Sept, but HOW IS THIS GOING TO HAPPEN IN THE BOOK?? Where logic actually applies and real stakes are at play. Will the wildfire spread and burn even more of the city like wildfire

Everything with Cersei was A++ last night. From clothes to music. She made that episode god DAMN girl

I’ll never understand the popularity of Attack on Titan.

ARE Americans into them? I don’t usually hear much fanfare about the royals at all. Maybe in shit pits like E! once or twice a week, but that’s really about it. I don’t think Americans care about the royal family nearly as much as other places like Australia or Canada.