
You win for the most ignorant comment of the day. You can save yourself by reading the accounts of the attack.

“...the Byzantines who happened to inhabit Greece at the time...”

“A loaf of bread, a jug of wine and... crap! Oxygen! I forgot the oxygen!”

Our species will be long extinct and the only traces of our existence will be a few bits of dead metal floating through space should it happen so dont worry

If you carefully read tge article, you’ll see that RPI staff forced prisoners to rework unfit helmets, and falsify QC reports they’d already correctly filled out. The problem here was ironically corrupt members of the Bereau of Prisons, not so much the prisoners themselves.

Yeah, I am confused. I did an eyeroll about the “protecting family and belongings” bit, but gun safety classes seems like a top notch idea.

How is promoting “gun and safety classes” cause for alarm? Hollywood mythologizes guns to the point where many onscreen depictions are inaccurate. If someone picks up a gun, thinking it works the way it does in movies, someone is going to get hurt. It might be them, it might be someone else, but someone will be

Except that the fundamental laws of physics are a little different than “common pheromone trails”. It seems nearly certain that the rules that apply to us are applied equally in even the most distant parts of the universe.

Thank you. The use of the word “Terrifying” in the title is so irritating. If Maddie finds science “Terrifying” she should find a different line of work. This is just flat out awesome.

Would love to hear the benefits and privileges of being a white christian male these days. Please elaborate.

“When we identify with science that Latina women earn up to 54 cents to a white mans dollar, black women earn 64 cents to a white mans dollar or Native American women earn 59 cents to a white mans dollar and white women earn 75 cents to every white mans dollar, how is it oppressing white men?”

George, I don’t think you can call out overweight Samoans - it’s not politically correct and you’re not allowed to use statistics or generalities on Gawker unless you’re talking about straight men of Euro decent or Christians. I’d hate for you to become a Disney-like target.

If the gene occurs in the 1/4 of samoan people, and the average obesity rate in the US is 38% (and we are fatter than most places), how do we get to 80%? Wouldn’t we only see a 25% increase over the average?

Don’t worry, I try to avoid any sort of brain stimulation. That is why I spend so much time in the comments section of Gizmodo articles.

I was in Manhattan 10 years ago and a friend took me to a used car place it only had six cars.

I knew a guy a few years back who, when his parents died, did the stupidest (see: best) thing with his inheritance: he sold the house and took the money from that + the life insurance and poured it all into one car - a Speed Six, which he daily drove rain or shine.

Old movie, but in “Drop Dead Gorgeous” when Kristie Alley stands outside of the Eden Prairie Mall, a typical Minnesota suburban mall and also the set of Mallrats, and says she’s outside of the Mall Of America.

Bring a pair or two of nitrile gloves. They are super cheap and your hands will thank you after the wash is complete.