
I haven’t finished reading all of the replies, but let me suggest an old-timer.

Don’t forget to ope the gas filler covering flap from inside before you get out to wash. Lotta gunk behind there.

I buy all my bras at gas stations.

For Space suit alterations, try a garage that repairs tires.

What would happen if both aircraft had AI or AI support?

“Earth’s climate, as we know, swings hot and cold through natural geologic cycles. “

Thank you, my Prince.



While we had a VW Bus/Type II, the engine compartment was accessible to small children. I taught my sons and dalughters to check the oil in a cold engine.

Give me a break, Jaecp!


To be fair to Religion, Stargate is only a scam to sell advertising to narcissistic consumers.

“the Goa’uld took the religions of Earth and impersonated their gods”

“Maybe Downton Abbey the shit out of it and reboot it in Victorian times or something”

I agree that Richard Dean Anderson was a big part of the TV stuff, and a more interesting character in the long run than then the Kurt Russell O’Neill.

I hope they keep David Arnold’s symphonic theme. It rivals John Williams’ Star Wars’ and ET’s themes.


But son, if you travel to the past to invent the toaster, make sure it is a time after bread has been invented and a place where they will eat bread. Otherwise go and invent the rice cooker.

Who? Waldo’s mom, Quincy Magoo’s sister?