
Red decks are borsht picnic friendlier.

Uncle Welty,

Is Air Force dentistry so life-threatening that the dentists have to wear stethiscopes like the one in this painting?

My mistake.

I love it! And I love the people dedicated enough to do this.


Great article Tyler.
Just a point of clarification.
“while fighting for the Holy Roman Empire”

In ads for a new Chinese TV series, Chiang was photoshopped out and replaced with Mao Zedong.

1987-My first trip to Mainland China with no Mandarin skills: Interpreter,”But the Eighth Route Army defeated the Japanese” (Not realizing that this was a combined Chiang Kaishek/ KMT Nationalist-Communist force engaged in guerrilla resistance. )

In 1955 when the movie “Conquest of Space” was made, the flying wing was a meme inserted into the Mars-landing-spaceship.

I don’t know if its still true, but in the past, many of the military worked as farmers whose military duty was to raise food on army owned farms to feed the People’s Army. I suppose some also worked in Army owned factories.

Sorry, Busey.

You’re right, McAlaglag.

Hey, Wright, I’m a different “older gentleman” who thinks this is Marty Robbins’ best (see my reply below).

You’ve made my Day!!

“A piece of white bread”?

No. GRILLED CHEESE on sourdough. Every guy”s first effort at cooking.

What a rip-off.

BUT a search of the serial numbers in the Blue Book of Gun Values would give you an idea of the selling value, both private and commercial.

Murry means “FFL”, firearms DEALER’S “license”, not just some person who has an owner’s license (which is required in very few juristictions).

Where can I send my manuscript for publication? My working title is “Fangs of Passion”. it is a Science Fiction Novel set in Larry Niven’s “Known Space” Universe about a human girl who falls in love with a Kzin and wins him over to love and vegetarianism, inspired by the Q’uran.