Leland Davis

I have to agree. However, the battle at the Keep vs the Grey Wardens, and the Jungle attack were both awesome. Have those make up the First Act, then kill Corypheus in the Jungle, and move on. That would have been awesome.

Wow, she was my favorite of the sorceresses … I had not played Witcher 2, so all the characters were new to me, and the implied history with Triss did nothing for me. She also seemed like she had better things to do, because she did, being a refugee leader and all that. I totally picked up on the "ex-wife" vibe with

Definitely will.

I really liked Mafia 3.

I found myself more interested in the lore of DA:I than I suppose I should have. It was also my first open-world game, and I'd never played an MMO, so I suppose it seemed a LOT fresher to me than it did to many others. I really enjoyed my time with the game, though looking back I agree entirely with "inconsequential

I think I played about as far as you, and then lost steam. It was a ton of fun doing different things, but I just wasn't going to push to catch every Legendary Fish, or reach the bottom of the dungeon, and there weren't many farm-related things I really felt like bothering with. Fun while it lasted, but no real end

I've been plowing through The Witcher 3. I finished the main game, with Geralt fated to wander the land in poverty, and am just starting in on Heart of Stone. This is a pretty damn good game. I was really pleased with how reasonable and satisfying it built towards that conclusion. I could have sworn that the Battle of

The second season was a bit meh, but the first season was really excellent, or so I thought at the time.

The key is to choose your genre wisely. I ran a game of GURPS Atomic Horror in which I ripped off the plot, start to finish, of the original The Thing, and nobody was the wiser.

Yes, me too. I'm just not sure whether to play it on Veteran, for my second Veteran playthrough, or to up it another notch and take the double hit.

The Banner Saga! Yes! Tyranny would have been absolutely perfect as a Banner Saga hybrid of visual novel and turn-based tactics. Oh, how amazing that could have been.

XCOM2 : What difficulty are you playing at? It is the easiest possible one? If not, than restart at that lowest difficulty level.

Odd Dragon Quest VIII story. I had been in Japan just over a year when Dragon Quest 8 came out. It was a HUGE release, with a ton of media. I worked it into my conversation activities at school. We were doing "What are you proud of," and as a sample answer I used, "I finished Dragon Quest 8." The students were more

This week I played Black Closet start to finish. It's a rare western Visual Novel, from the same person/people who did Long Live the Queen. Black Closet mixes an interesting investigation system with some moderately challenging resource juggling, and the typical visual novel friendship and romance options. I quite

It is interesting to hear your evaluation. I bounced off the combat so hard that I had trouble continuing. It really felt like a game that would have been a transcendent visual novel, but was stuffed into the clothes of Baldur's Gate, and came out much the worse.

This has been another week more or less consumed by Forza Horizon 3. I got to the final showcase, and am just finishing off the remaining content, and doing rivals matches in silly cars, like a 70's compact Ford that I've souped up to the top of A rank and is so overpowered that it is barely drivable. That game is so

I really liked Mini Metro. Great game.

Not yet, but they are working on some Cyberpunk game.

I really enjoyed Omega. It may have been the "serious" highlight of ME3, with Citadel being the "silly" highlight.

If this was a French action movie in the style of Brotherhood of the Wolf, that might be awesome.