Leland Davis

The only game I've been playing the last week is Forza Horizon 3, which is absolutely amazing. This is the first real racer I've ever had, and goddamn is it good.

I love Hyper Light Drifter, but it is a game that is so beautiful that I have no interest in thinking about it. It simply is.

Yes, that would have been a great idea.

The idiocy of Cerberus, and everything to do with Cerberus, is a rabbit hole with no end.

Mass Effect 3 wasn't bad, but I do agree that it was the worst of the three. ME1 was clunky but really smart and well written. ME2 was fun and stupid - the sort of stupid that allows you to forget what you are doing and just be the badass space marine that the game wants you to be. ME3 really suffered because it kept

But, if I randomly selected 1 out of every 10 bullies and put them to the sword, could I talk about decimating them?

Yeah, just figure things out on your own, if you're the sort of person who gets any enjoyment from that. It's more or less impossible to fail as a farmer unless you sit in bed and never go anywhere day after day, so just do what you like. You can do just fine if you never bother to farm, and only fish, or only mind.

Rim shot!

I had a couple short playthroughs that felt like that, and then I just got rolling. The key is taking proper advantage of the text events.

Bioshock WOUDLD have been better as an FPS. On the other hand, some adventure games would have been better as FPS or 3rd Person Brawler. I imagine Full Throttle would have been awesome as a 3rd person brawler.

Yeah, it is a sad fact of the market that unless you're shooting a gun or stabbing guys in the neck like a TOTAL BADASS DUDEBRO, your sales are just not very good.

I've got about 26 hours in, and am nearing the end of the game. It's on a fairly strict set of timers, so that is just how long the game takes.

I don't GET things for Christmas. I buy things for myself to take advantage of the winter sales, because I'm old and have no family or life.
That said, Forza Horizon 3, Halycon 6 Starbase Commander, all 3 Homeworld Games, the Witcher 3 GOTY pack (now I can finish the game I started last year on my friend's PC!),

I liked Convoy, once. Then I played the final battle, and didn't like it anymore. It's not fair, I should try it again, but I just couldn't.

Forza Horizon 3 is so much fun. This is the first racing game I've actually owned, as a long-time PC gamer, and goddamn it's fun.
Well, okay. I played Super Laser Racer and other X-bit old-school racing games a lot. And F-Zero, on the Gamecube. You know what I mean.

When was the last time where the AI was competent, though? I've been playing since Civ 1, and the best I can remember is the AI putting up a wall of quantity. Up until Civ 3 that was enough, because attack was so outmatched by defense, but that more or less stopped working in Civ 4.
On release, I remember the Civ 5 AI

I missed out on the What are you Playing thread, because the posting times have been strange and early.

No no, the job she has found is called counter fitting. She has made a type of decent cash.

It was pretty good. The biggest problem with Civ 6 is that the strategy genre has begun to move on from the 4x formula, and it no longer seems as new or essential as it used to.

First-person observer? You have to sneak into a contested zone, and take photographs of the key moments of action, the shooter and the shot, without being seen or shot yourself. Part stealth game, part observation, all terror ….