Leland Davis

I tried that, and as you say, it became almost impossible to figure out where I was supposed to go.

I played the whole game with "Places of Interest" turned off. When I ran into them on the course of my journeys, it was something to do. The whole map, and exploring it, became vastly more interesting.

Despite being on summer break, there has been oddly little gaming. Even with Prey, which I love and was super into, I wasn't playing more than an hour or two a day, and that trend has continued. Instead, I have been trying to keep busy, and ward off incipient stir craziness.

As a refugee from Level One, it's sad to see the community being forced to transform. It will survive … but a lot was lost then, and I am sure a lot of what this community is now will be lost with the next step.

I'd be happy to, but to do so I'd need to set up a Flickr account or something and link. Oh, and take some good photos.

I finished Prey a few days ago. I went in with very few spoilers about the plot, and was pleased with the game from beginning to end. Damn, that was a great game. I managed to do all the good things, and was totally psyched about that - and I really enjoyed the way they decided to tell you about that at the end.

I have heard that the game will start you with radically different starting families/survivors on subsequent playthroughs.

Play Darkest Dungeon on Radiant mode. It's the same game, no harder or easier, but without a soul-crushing and infinitely long mid game.

This week I have been slowly pushing through Prey, which is just incredible. I am moving rather slowly, taking time to explore everywhere I can possibly get to, but despite that am making progress.

Did you ever see the early seasons of the Pokemon TV show? Think about how they did Nurse Joy and Officer Jenny, and do that.

Scanning planets rules! Screw all those haters out there, planet scanning — and in particular the planet descriptive flavor text — was awesome.

I loved the Banner Saga, and am always glad to hear when new players have found it and enjoyed it.

True, but they also eat all manner of slimy things from the sea, raw and cooked, face and all, and sometimes live. Also, various grilled organ meats are popular. And … natto.

I have lived in Japan for 13 years. It is considered sad and socially unacceptable to be a picky eater here. They find us foreigners amusing for this, but do not put up with it in kids at all. From toddler age up, this is reinforced at home and at nursery school, in public, everywhere. It is also common to push a dank

Eh? Railroad Tycoon had missions? Sure you're not thinking of RT2, or RT3? If my memory serves me correctly, RT1 had an America East, America West, UK, and Europe map. Each had a fixed starting time and loco set, and that was about it.

Actually, this hit for both The Descent and Trespasser DLC's. "Oh, The Descent? That must mean they are going to give you a chance to figure out where this Red Lyrium stuff is coming from and what all those hints were about Lyrium being alive were about."

I missed the past couple of weeks … always hate that.

My whole time in Touissant was a bit bittersweet. I knew it was the end, and it really felt like you were building Geralt's retirement — post Witcher, post-Ciri, and in my case, post-Sorceresses. I really wanted to imagine him settling down in that vineyard, even though I kinda screwed up the main quest a bit.

What is this Avocado of which people have spoken? I have no idea what you are talking about. I too am worried about this, but all I keep hearing is "Avocado."

At first, I thought this was one of those "gamify your real life" posts, and was a bit concerned.