Leland Davis

Divinity Original Sin has some of the best combat I've ever seen in an RPG, and may well be the best of the notable RPG crop of 2014, which also included Wasteland 2, Pillars of Eternity, and Dragon Age Inquisition.

I find the idea of running inside to be incongrous with any sort of serious situation. I, personally, avoid running whenever possible. I will not start jogging in the mall, just because it's big and and I want to go to the other side. So, I find it offputting to see my character doing just that, and I have often

Yes, and every time they tried to explain plot relevant stuff it made me angry, because their plot stuff was really dumb — about the dumbest possible route they could have chosen, at every narrative branch.

I really liked it until you got to the final bit, which I figured was the dumbest possible way they could have ended that.

I would disagree regarding the Reapers. Sure, you can't talk to them, but fighting against an unstoppable apocalyptic force could have made for a tense and interesting game, given how much the previous two games had made us invest in the setting.

Would you say that he had to let her go?

Yep, that's where I heard about it, and I got it on the steam sale for a minuscule discount. I don't know if I'll manage the full honest run or not, because I do suck at puzzles, but it's still a cool game.

Yeah, I did play the Citadel. That was an absolute blast. Imagine how awesome an episodic game with that sort of low stakes BS plot and full on humor would have been.

Well … Don't get your hopes too high for trespasser. It was okay … But true closure and finality? Not as I was imagining it, that's for sure.

Having finished Mass Effect 3 (more on that in a bit), I am playing a goofy little text game called Hadean Lands. Hadean Lands tasks you with learning the subtle science of Alchemy, from scratch, so as to rescue your Royal Navy Magical Spaceship/travling building ffrom most desperate spacely peril. It's a text

Some areas of history are worse than others. English does overlap quite a bit with "cultural" history, and in the American academy there are departments where "counting stuff" sorts of history is thoroughly out of style, as @avclub-df106893a4574bccb7bce1ff66e788b9:disqus suggested.

No, it didn't, but its silliness was enough in the background that it did not matter too much. It was the mission giving boss, and that's about it, and the player could focus on the task at hand without being bogged down by it.

I would not mind at all if the game really and truly presented the Reapers as an unstoppable threat, but it only occasionally implies that. The problem is that victory against the Reapers seems constantly within reach, except that thanks to a dumb cutscene which changes the rules of the game and the world rather

Someone mentioned that earlier, and I've been waiting to read it until I have finished. Soon, I think.

I kind of liked that puzzle. But I could not deal with the jumping crates.

Oh, yeah … that is it! That makes total sense, and I agree completely. You have clarified something for me.

Mass Effect 3 has made me incredibly angry, and I haven't even finished it yet.

The platforming boxes in Cradle were just too much for me.

Ugh, I hate those themes so much. Time travel in stories is something I really, really don't like - in large part because too many writers/creators just can't keep themselves away from that cyclical crap. If it's all a big cycle and everything ends where it begins, then why am I bothering with it?

Sad boy is vaguely annoying. "You can't help me!" has been said by no 5 year old, ever. It would be one thing if it was just some kid you saw on the landing field who died - that happens. But the scene with the vent was really annoying. Also, it seemed oddly out of character for Shep to go all "nice adult who