Leland Davis

Yeah, it does. It is annoying that just about every other mission is "Cerberus is doing another pointless bad thing, stop them," though. But it s better than the beginning.

I got Legion right at the end of my game, because I did just about everything before doing the IFF mission, and then powered through to the suicide mission. So I didn't spend much time at all with it. This made the *get in the shuttle for your next mission* bit pretty strange, because by that point I did not HAVE a

Also, something that you only notice once you're starting to get used to it — enemy spawning is really bizarre for Cerberus forces. They will appear anywhere, meaning I'm constantly advancing forward under the impression that I've cleared an area just to find myself suddenly surrounded on all sides. That is really,

With a reasonable group, a backstory like that is really all you need.

I have found that spending time during character creation and party formation to give the players a good reason to work together, and a harmonious backstory, is a good idea. ESPECIALLY with new players, encouraging them to get on the same page from the start makes so many things so much easier. Depending on the

Mass Effect. I beat ME2 a few days ago, and have just started with ME3.

I do tarot. Tarot is good. There is a lot to learn there, about the cards and yourself and others. Best of luck to you, and I'd be happy to share tips, suggestions, and readings if you'd like.

That's a good list.

Civ 4 is cheap and really good. Great place to jump in. For RTS, get Homeworld Deserts of Kharak. Long Live the Queen is a good intro visual novel, often described as the "Sansa Stark simulator," and its sequel Black Closet is well regarded. The mouse is your main controller, just make sure you have a real

Oh, it's not all that bad. I got XCOM2 at 40% off, NBA 2016 at 80% off, Age of Decadance at 50% off, Duskers at 20% off, Dying Light for 50% off, and a bunch of Rocksmith content for 40% off. Witcher 3 is also pretty cheap, but I'm waiting to get that until I upgrade my machine. Transformers was also eye catching,

I have not met Jack. Jacob seems cool enough, though I was slightly disconcerted when Shepard tried to go all Mack Daddy on him, after barely getting started in the game.

But with all those waist-high walls and crates hanging around, you can just auto-cover to crouch pretty much whenever desired. Sigh.

The original did have a nice tone to it - Star Trek. That's part of the reason why it often didn't mesh with the gameplay it served up, unfortunately. I don't think its a coincidence that the best Star Trek game was an almost entirely non-violent adventure game.

I finished Mass Effect 1, and am a couple missions into Mass Effect 2 now. I'd like to get Duskers, or Hearts of Iron 4, or Overwatch, but I'm saving money at the moment, and why not, when I have the whole Mass Effect series for free.

"How many times must I tell you, your weapons are useless against me!"

Then again, most DBZ games have been kind of terrible. Or am I horribly wrong?

Living in Japan as I do, I've played quite a few. It doesn't really count in the same way, but whatever.

But that's not possible, because cats are dumb. Haven't you seen those videos on the internet of them being dumb?

Honestly, there is pretty much nothing in the game that is scaled right. Common to most 3rd person games, doors tower nearly twice the height of Shepard - which would make sense in the Citadel, maybe, but not on the Normandy, which was built by humans. Colonies seem to be composed of two or three rooms, entirely

I think one of the things that I most like about the game are its gestures in the direction of actual SF. I absolutely love the flavor text on the various planets, describing entirely plausible exo-planetological systems, and I can only imagine what a team dedicated to the concept could really do with those — make an