Leland Davis

After getting into Titanfall and Offworld Trading Company, and rediscovering my love of Heroes of the Storm over the past few weeks, I've shifted gears and dove into …. Mass Effect. Finally, I'm playing this game.

If Black Emperor really wants to capture the Japanese biker culture, it needs to balance driving fast with driving loud and driving dangerously. Riding with your girl on the bike, and a giant wind-obstructing pompadour haircut, should give bonus points at the cost of driving difficulty. Oh, and it have a brawler

Nah, you can get the whole package on Origin for $20. Everyone gets the map packs now for free. And, it's on the Origin valut as a free game.

You are so fast and vertically mobile, though - that is not normal. And Titanfall is a ton of fun.

I like the squishiness.

And Borderlands 1 was pretty damn good as well. And they did a pretty decent job with the Homeworld Remaster.

I find myself between games at the moment. I'm dividing my time between the periodic Twilight Struggle games I keep running constantly, Offworld Trading Company, and Titanfall. All of those are "play and go" sorta games, though, and I really am starting to feel a need for something more long-form and immersive.

It is convenient that crates in the far future are made of pure adamantium or something, and can take pretty much infinite fire. Instead of wearing armor, you should just strap empty crates to yourself, and become invulnerable.

Galak-Z is great …. but it gets hard. It makes Hyper Light Drifter seem easy.

Last weekend I put a bunch of time into the Overwatch beta, and was seriously considering buying it - until I realized that I have lots of other actual "new apartment in new town" stuff I need to buy instead. So, I'm holding off. I may, though, cave to Stellaris.

In the menu, there's an option to avoid auto-populating question marks. I used it, and it was a good choice.

It's good. I like it.

Magic The Gathering hit me hard at what would have been my first couple of years of high school, but I had a serious love/hate relationship with that game - one that is not just based on my own personal dislike of losing and inability to truly GET high-level play, but also (I tell myself) on an aesthetic objection to

I remember enjoying the combat the first time around, but when I got to Hakkon, I was just annoyed. Nothing could really hurt my team, but I had to stand around forever waiting for bloody spiders and gurguts to die, hit after hit after hit. That was my feeling for much of the DLC - hitting the same thing over and

Wow, I somehow missed that judgement! That was hilarious. I never did get 5/5 approval, and maybe you need that to pass judgement. My estimation of that DLC rises substantially. On the other hand, I kind of wish that the Judgement of the Nug King was a bit more involved … but maybe again I didn't get the fullest

Discussion questions —

I played all three Dragon Age: Inquisition DLC's this week in a Golden Week holiday binge. My evaluations are filled with spoilers, so be careful.

So, do you think it's going to be any good? '-)

I was young, and pirated pretty much everything, because that's what poor young kids did. I'd gotten disks of Ultima 7 part 2 right around release from a friend whose dad worked in the industry, and started an unofficial race with a few local friends to see who could get through it first. I wasn't trying to speed

I'd like to bring up Crusader Kings 2 and Europa Universalis IV in this discussion. Both of those games give you the potential to fail forward into really interesting and really challenging situations, because it's a sandbox that really doesn't care if the player wins or loses. The system does what it does, and you