Leland Davis

Seriously, that guy's voice made my first 10 hours with the game absolutely golden.

I did jump in again, actually, a year ago I'd been playing an agility/faith character, but with that one gone, I started again as a pure sorcerer. I actually found that my familiarity with zones made me much less likely to want to play through them. It took a ton of dedication to force myself through Blighttown

But then my precious purity would be lost! Oh, the pain of it all!

What I always wondered is, why did nobody try to make a real and true swordfighting game using motion control? You had half-assed implementations here and there, I hear, things where a motion-wiggle would do something sword-related, but nothing where you stood in front of the TV and the motion controller was the hilt

The problem with repetition versus expansion is mirrored in far too many Japanese dramas, actually. One will have a successful show with a single season arc. It's popular, so people want more. What to do? Retell the exact same story arc again, with a cosmetically different setting and supporting cast. Gokusen,

That sounds like a Vive app to me.

My farm is looking good in about the same time frame … but those bloody fish are killing me.

I'm planning to put a bunch of time into Hyper Light Drifter. Maybe I'll finish it, maybe I' wont. But I'm liking it.

I'm absolutely loving the game, in large part (like everyone else) thanks to the art and soundtrack. I was a Kickstarter backer, and really feel like this might be the biggest success of the projects I've backed so far - though the Ogre designer's edition is pretty damn impressive.

The soundtrack is really incredible. It's like a chiptunes re-imagining of 30's sci-fi or futurist orchestral music.

Remember how much crap the devs of Far Cry 2 got for Malaria? You have to be very careful with that stuff. In HLD, it's an atmospheric/storycut-scene sort of thing, and thus acceptable because it doesn't screw up your combo unpredictably. I don't think you can have a game which requires twitch precision AND random

The Torus? That's the starter ship for the robot dudes, right? I love that ship! I beat the game for the first time with that ship! The key is learning to embrace the drone, but not too tightly.

You say "half-naked samurai" as if it's some bizarre apparition conjured from nothing.

I did it my first time there, just by running, but I'd also found something that made it a bit easier. Not a robot killing thing, another thing.

Joe Abercrombie's "The First Law" trilogy is simply awesome. Actually, all of his stuff is good, but I'm still blown away by "The First Law." It aims at many of the same notes that big sprawling fantasy series aim at, but it hits them all so damn well that I consider it to be an absolute masterpiece.

Witcher 3's forests have a legitimately forest-like density. Not in the undergrowth department, of course We will probably never get a game where the forests are impassable thanks to endless thickets of gnarled and feral blackberry bushes, kudzu, and other nightmarish thorny stinging freaks of nature. But for a

Oh, jeez, you can fast travel OUT of Skellige as well? That's horrible.

The terrible choices I've made so far have all been because of Yennifer, and the game gave me no choice. I'm not a big fan on Yenn.

Yeah, the game seems to force you to choose - get super over-leveled, or skip lots of stuff. I've been playing on normal, and am actually not quite as over-leveled as you — not sure how that happened, actually.

I burned myself out on Witcher 3, a bit before going to Skellige. I'll recover eventually, but I was just going too slow and doing too much, and there is SO MUCH TO DO. This will be an experiment, though, as I'm going to have to back up my save onto a stick drive, then put it onto a different machine (which has not