I always figured "Burn Notice" was the "MacGyver" reboot.
I always figured "Burn Notice" was the "MacGyver" reboot.
I will only be interested if the title of every episode is some permutation of the phrase "Okay, this looks bad…"
Yeah, that's a little underplayed in the show, but it's worth restating. In the first few episodes, every time we see Frank on the job, he sets up an ambush and hits people in ways that minimize their ability to retaliate. He isn't bursting into a roomful of people with an Uzi in each hand.
"The Cambodian Breakfast Rush"
The Hipster Revolution: with devices of execution built using free-range wood from sustainable sources and recycled blades, and the corpses of the bourgeoisie used as compost for organic produce…
No. Also, the website Vice does not explicitly and solely deal with things you can snort, drink, smoke, fuck, or shoot into a vein.
It was actually a fairly nuanced portrayal of the inside of the head of the guy on the morning zoo whose job it is to soak up all the abuse.
Are you talking about Jim Cramer?
Just cut out the middle man and reveal that Nathan Drake is Indiana Jones's illegitimate grandchild.
Depending on your sarcasm skill, you can prestige-rank up to Generation X. It's pretty easy, but not a lot of people saw that in the patch notes.
Exactly. The modern day certainly has more than its share of problems, but we aren't all having six kids by age 20 on the assumption that four of them will die and the other two will lose some fingers on an assembly line somewhere. Instead, our jobs kinda suck and the rent is really high in all the cool places.
He should've taken more Lithium. Instead, he ended up in a Heart Shaped Box.
Yeah, no joke. If you read even a little bit of recent history, it's harder to feel like we're in a downward spiral. Compared to the world as it was when my grandfather was my age, I am a god damn space wizard with time powers.
There's a piece on Cheddar I'd actually watch: how to find, pick up and keep an elderly sugar parent. It's news you can use.
If it's any consolation, due to the large degree of generational detachment from the media apparatus, you're probably not as fucked as you think. Anyone who's under 40 today is going to end up evolving new ways to live, out of both preference and necessity, but an amazing amount of this generational depression is down…
There's a dark-ass timeline.
I'm technically in Generation X, but I don't think I qualify because I don't give a shit about Kurt Cobain.
You can make a lot of money this way.
Finance makes me feel kind of blue.