Time for me to finish Prey.
Time for me to finish Prey.
It doesn't have to bring him down. The more outlandish the case gets, the worse it looks for everyone involved, including the people who refuse to prosecute him. You're already seeing a mad scramble from a lot of the usual suspects.
o/~ I'm sorry, Judge Jackson / but nothing is real / did not mean to make employees cry / it's not enough to apologize o/~
Buddy, for all you know, everyone you see on these threads is a climate scientist, community organizer, permaculture farmer, or otherwise pursues some occupation, hobby, or practice that is part of the larger solution, and they're taking a few minutes out of their day for a little snark because it's good for a laugh.
Takes all kinds, neighbor.
One of these days, I fully expect a member of Bill Maher's panel to try to escape during the closing segment. They can't enjoy the fact that they're supposed to sit there for ten minutes and listen to him rant as a captive audience. One of them is going to come prepared with a smoke bomb or grappling-hook pistol or…
He works far, far too quickly for him to be Quitely-adjacent.
That's the generally accepted Gaelic-to-English translation of "O'Sullivan." The Irish are a poetic people, given to whimsy.
I hope she does better here than she did in London Has Fallen.
Does Michael Che have a bandage on his forehead that they tried to cover with makeup?
The original Street Fighter is probably saved by Raul Julia's performance, to the point where I'd say it's the only reason to watch the movie at all.
With the benefit of hindsight, the fact that they couldn't get Christopher Lambert back for the sequel should've been our first clue. That dude kept showing up for Highlander movies, and even he saw the writing on the wall.
The original Mortal Kombat is a good time at the movies. It's a fast-moving, well-made genre film that's nonetheless insane in certain key moments.
Mine is Mortal Kombat: Annihilation.
It's all over the Internet. Here's the first one I had handy:
Yeah, and while we're watching the health care act, they decided to go ahead and make it legal for your ISP to sell your browsing history to advertisers.
As a fan of Strange Days, I consider the worst sin of this film to be how it utterly wastes the presence of Angela Bassett. How dare you, film.
Elon Musk has a lot of money and isn't afraid to dream big. If he shows up in pulp fiction a century from now, it'll be as a much cooler character's financier.
Conversational shorthand. His whole "moonchild" plot sounds like an obscure, Tim Powers-esque end-of-the-world scam. "Hey, let's cause an immaculate conception somewhere in the world so the kid will be the living embodiment of the spirit of Babylon!"