Ghost of Stickfish

If there is a great song someone will make a shit cover of it (more like 15 someones will make 15 shit covers). Pretty sure this has been true since the beginnings of the recording industry. It sucks, I have no taste for this milke-toast garbage, but this has happened before, many many times...

For those video gamers that may be interested in learning about football:

This was a bad date. She had a horrible date with a clueless guy who thought he was being sexy and hot. She was made to feel uncomfortable, and it wasn’t right.

but it seems like she can lift a lot;

Am I watching a completely different video here? Olynyck did not “ flatten Washington’s Kelly Oubre Jr. with a chest-to-chest two-handed shove.” I have no idea WTF you are watching if that’s how you interpret what you saw.

Hello Mr. Collins, it’s an honor to have you here to help enlighten us on an number of burning issues. My first question is; I understand you worked with Jeremy Clarkson for a while on top gear. In your experience is Clarkson less of a dick in person than we have been led to believe? or more of a dick? or maybe all

That comparison isn’t really fair. At least the child consents to the marriage whereas victims of a shooting-spree don’t consent to their deaths; in both cases the player is an adult making the decision to act.

The sad thing is, this woman wasn’t just good at training/comforting an animal, she was Grrrrrrrreat!