Ghost of Stickfish

I mean you can just block it out with concentrated levels of stupid right?

Press 1 to pay your respects:

Scientists surprised to find that rocks in space look like rocks.”

If there is a great song someone will make a shit cover of it (more like 15 someones will make 15 shit covers). Pretty sure this has been true since the beginnings of the recording industry. It sucks, I have no taste for this milke-toast garbage, but this has happened before, many many times...

Jesus, it’s like she attempts to be creative by using some sort of disjointed alternate pronunciation of every single syllable in that song. Every word sounded badly slurred like she had just polished of a couple handles of cheap malt liquor...


Idk, have you seen some of the faces of porn-stars?

What a charming animation, it really does make me hanker for a bit of classic sonic action...

I’m sorry but that one moment where his eyes go from normal to flowers, the pupils get all small and it literally looks like he wants to murder you. I would not buy this for any person, adult or child. Literal nightmare fuel...

Don’t worry, he didn’t have knowledge of any game ball tampering so after appeal this should be reduced to 1-2 games...

Idk about Epcot songs but the year 2000 celebratory Epcot dessert (chocolate geodesic dome filled with a delightful custard and drizzled in raspberry syrup) was to die for. Sadly it too is now extinct...

I’m 6'7", I don’t need your “tricks”, but thanks anyhow...

Nope, but Disney needs (wants) more money...

I thought the first Doomfist was a hero, but after he retired then this guy came along and used the first for evil?

So apparently a threat to Alaska is not a threat to America? I kind of pity the people living in Alaska...

I understand where you are coming from on this, but a lot of the time in these situations the family of the victim just don’t want to be in the news/media for obvious reasons...

The hater’s guide:

“He looks like a 10 year old found an old person’s head... and then a cell phone.”

So it’s super meat boy?