Exec: “Ok guys do we have any interesting new movie ideas?”
Exec: “Ok guys do we have any interesting new movie ideas?”
Wouldn’t it be called a cyst at that point?
Those are Pete Carroll’s all non New England fans tears...
Yeah, the 80's, 90's and early 2000's were full of crummy anime, you just weren’t exposed to them much. There’s nothing wrong with the state of anime right now. The mere fact that many anime studios have colossal budgets compared to what they did back then and can actually afford a show that is decently animated is…
Mira? really? I understand it’s just a name, but to that point if a name is just a name then why change it at all? Was Motoko really too foreign sounding to plausibly market to us dumb Americans? Is her last name going to get changed from Kusanagi to Kelly?
But I mean what if turkeys understand what death is and they are giving it their version of last rights? Turkeys after all are one of the smartest birds...
Having Pikachu use lightning blot is too low hanging a fruit, Usain should have told it to use Quick attack...
I think the assumption by some people a year ago that he was washed up was greatly over-blown, Federer is just showing once again why he’s one of the best to ever play the game...
17 actually.
Hey idiot, helicopters can fly in 3 dimensions, why don’t you try UP next time.....
Can someone please take his pilots license away, I don’t want him dead just yet...
Hey, if you are still playing at the very top level of your sport keep going. Don’t retire until you suck. If you retire too early you will always look back and regret that you didn’t play longer...
Yes great proposal, and when there are hundreds or even thousands of planets will that diminish the specialness of being a planet? Is the current definition bullshit because you were on the new horizons team and somehow that belittles your importance or is it bullshit that something you thought was one was since…
I’ve found this same kind of issue with researching and archiving information form just about any sporting event that is older than 15 years and isn’t NFL, NBA, MLB, NHL, FIFA or the olympics. Old data from semi-pro and minor league events as well as less mainstream sports really don’t make it on to the internet as…
This looks cool but seems both dangerous and stupid...
Nope nope nope nope nope nope nope nope nope nope nope nope nope nope nope...
Man this dude was likely gonna get kicked to the curb anyway, guess he wanted to remove any doubt...
This is a good bear.
I’m sure it was, every year watching how badly mostly every team botches the draft pics (high drafts suck, low drafts are all pro’s, ect... I have absolutely no faith in the talent identifying system...
Yeah well the history of NFL coaching is a good ol’ boys club just lousy with nepotism...