Ghost of Stickfish

Am I the only one who was concerned that at any moment we were going to hear a yip, and see Thor scraping an accidentally squashed tiny dog off the sole of his shoe like a piece of gum?

I prefer to take up 0 square feet:

And here I was hoping for a movie about:

I mean that’s cool and all, but is this really surprising? I thought it was already established that the gasses and matter-debris from a super nova continue expanding for thousands in not millions of years?

So I assume they loose money on every one they make? otherwise why not make 1000 or 5000? Is their only concern that it will feel less exclusive if there are too many? (despite it’s prohibitive cost)

Still not even a pretense of fair play i see, FIFA is a tire fire...

There’s a fox (kitsune) one too:

In every generation there is always one (usually the least cute one). I blame the clown nose tho, everyone hates clowns...

Finally, I’ve been pulling for poor 2007or10 to get a real name for about 4 years now...

Exactly, law of large numbers says even a tiny percentage of a huge number like 100's of billions is still a pretty large number, there’s no question that life bearing planets must exist, now we just have to find them and then figure out a way to get to them...

I have to say, I saw this coming (well at least the Ray part). As good as he was in interviews and inspiring his teammates during his playing career Ray Lewis has looked uncomfortable, and uninformed for pretty much all of his commentating career (last 2 years). Every time the mic is passed to him he fumbles over his

“there are studies that indicate sexualizing children can normalize sexual feelings towards children and lead to abuse.”

This, can’t star it enough.

“the child is innocent, and can be persuaded by a convincing adult to participate. However, unlike the adult in GTA, they would not yet be of the proper mental faculty to consciously make that decision. They are too malleable.”

Looks like someone is summoning C’thulu...

Also I know everyone loves Sabine Schmitz and I have no argument that she’s a bad-ass, but objectively is she going to be ok as a presenter? Because her English is pretty bad... like real bad.

Looks just like my old first gen game-boy at this point...

Yeah and Lambo said hybrids are for reasonable people and “we” are totally unreasonable. Despite the fact that the other 900 HP hybrid hyper-cars (Laferrari, P1 and 918) are really hot tickets right now Lambo has no interest in getting into that fight... Whatever, just go get a Regera, the only thing better than a 900

Jesus we have a hard enough time keeping little kids from eating their Legos, now you want to make them look even more delicious?

Ah that Asterion (Blue one) looks so nice, even a bit understated for a Lambo. Too bad they will never build it because they are jerks...