Emotional Grapes

The point is it shouldn't be Kara's job to "transform" Mon-El like you said. I really, really hate the whole woman has to fix a man storyline. If they had left it as a platonic mentor/mentee relationship, I would have been more okay with it, aside from the huge amount of screen time it's sucking up. But adding romance

Yeah, it's pretty obvious they were going to get together, but they didn't have to make Mon-El such an asshole. That's the problem I'm having. I wouldn't like seeing pretty much any female character paired with that, much less Supergirl herself. I was never much of a fan of Kara and James in s1 either, but at least I

I'm sure there are more, but just off the top of my head: it was his fault they got stuck on Slaver's Moon without backup a couple episodes ago because he ignored Kara's instruction to go to the DEO. He's also been shown to protect her, instead of civilians, while in the field, contrary to her direct orders. Yeah, you

Agreed with absolutely everything said in this review. I've never been a fan of the Kara/Mon-El romance but up until tonight, I thought he was okay outside of that relationship. I wish he'd just have been the wacky new alien neighbor or something. He was always best as a character just having fun and not understanding

Riiight so the reason people are getting shot every day in this country is because we all stopped talking to each other, DEFINITELY NOT that the massively powerful gun lobby's money is talking louder than a majority of Americans (who actually agree). Ugh. If this were an issue of GA I picked up at the comic book shop,

I'm loving Green Arrow Rebirth and I more or less made peace with Arrow's more apolitical Oliver Queen years ago, but wow. It's hard to just enjoy them as separate entities when the show straight up highlighted just how lacking their Oliver Queen is in terms of social commentary. They essentially said nothing here.

Shhhh… I'm just pretending it's a Comet reference.

I know relationship drama is the CW's bread and butter but Supergirl never being without a love interest is not my favorite thing. Her whole arc with Mon-El this season has been far more about his development than hers. I mean, it makes total sense that absolutely everyone falls in love with Kara, but sheesh. Give the

It was touch and go for a while there. God bless Katie McGrath for always bringing the gay subtext.

When I heard Lena Luthor was going to be part of this season my reaction as a non Superman comic reader was more or less "ok cool". I did not expect to totally fall in love with the character. The writers have really created something special and Katie McGrath is breaking my heart every episode she's in. I absolutely

Agreed! I'm choosing to believe that last shot was alluding to Lena playing a game of chess against her mother, not Supergirl. The inevitably evil Luthor story has been done. I'd much prefer a more morally gray friend/ally whose worldview sometimes clashes with Kara's. That's the dynamic they set up with the alien

Agreed on this completely. Rape is used far too often across television in addition to the problem of it often being depicted in a shallow, exploitative way. Mo Ryan, who wrote this Variety article, has the unenviable task of screening all the new pilots every year and I've seen her mention on social media more than

Speed Weed.

Yep, the laws of tv dictate that at the end of the season, we'll see the exact same scene play out again in the present, except that time with Savitar being stopped at the last moment or possibly Iris still getting hurt but surviving somehow. Which is honestly fine with me. A slow march to the inevitable death of the

And why was his voice at least an octave lower? Do speedsters get a second puberty or something?

This is exactly the point I was trying to make to someone just the other day. At least The Flash has since found a way to better integrate Iris into their team. But James is a total bore. Suiting him up seems like a last ditch effort to try and make him work but it doesn't seem like anyone's buying it.
But that guy

Melissa is like sunshine in human (Kryptonian?) from. She makes even the weaker episodes of Supergirl a delight to watch.

Are there fans of just LoT? That's not a knock on the show itself, just that I imagine it would be the hardest of the four to watch on its own. Agreed on the crossover overall. It has absolutely surpassed my expectations.

She had that whole thing with Snart last season. Equal attraction to genders isn't required to be bi. And I will never complain about Sara Lance: Time Traveling Ladies' Woman, but they need to be more careful with the dialogue. All these quick little jokes aren't worth muddying the water.

That Thea-Sara arrow exchange made my whole night. So badass. Also loved Barry and Kara's co-super beat down and high five. I haven't had this much fun watching Arrow since season two. And they managed to hit all the right emotional beats as well. To be honest, I was worried that trying to do the 100th episode and