Emotional Grapes

That's absolutely the vibe I've been getting from Sara since the start of Legends. Which is perfectly valid. But the past few times her sexuality has been referenced in dialogue have been clumsy. I'm hoping it's not an actual retcon. That wouldn't be cool.

I really hope Alex and J'onn can get in on the action in the musical crossover. This episode was already overstuffed so I get why it was just Kara but I'm still a little sad those two didn't get to hang out with the Earth-1 gang. They didn't even get to meet Barry when he popped in last season.

When the season started, I saw some Buffy/Faith parallels. You know, mysterious brunette rolls into town and forms a tentative, flirty friendship with the bubbly blonde protagonist until their inevitable fallout leads her to embrace the dark side.
I really love what they're doing with Lena right now. I love that I have

I don't mind the direction with Alex and Maggie (hell, I am all for it) but I am surprised they're getting together so soon. To be honest, I would have preferred the show took a little time to let us get to know Maggie for who she before their relationship started. But I've really loved everything else they've done

"I hate Cadmus because Dean Cain is always there hoping to get recognized"

And on appliance repair which is fortunate since her microwave and oven always seem to be malfunctioning.

That's totally what I see, as well. It's pretty obvious they both have feelings for each other but are just at a disagreement about what to do about it. You can't blame Alex for being hurt or Maggie for not wanting to rush in and ruin (what appears to be) her only real friendship at the moment.
Absolutely agreed about

Thanks! I hope it doesn't sound like I'm trying to write my sad memoir here on the AV Club. That's not at all reflective of my experience overall. I've just been so floored with Alex's journey that I wanted to try to contextualize all the wonderful, specific things they absolutely nailed.

Yeah, I'm with you. Alex herself is still sorting it all out, but everything she's said so far makes me 100% certain she's a lesbian. I can't fault the show for not having her use the word yet though. Sometimes that can take a little while even when you know exactly who you are. I almost exclusively used "gay" for a

Yeah, I hear you. I think Kara's reaction was definitely a way for the writers to work in some Kara/Alex conflict and then some later sister bonding as that's been sorely lacking this season. Everything we know about Kara would suggest an immediate positive reaction from her.
While I grew up in a small,

That is somewhat comforting. I remember just a couple years before that, I was in my first semester of college here in WI, just starting to maybe figure myself out when the voters approved our state constitutional ban. It felt pretty bleak. It's hard to believe how it all turned around in less than a decade. Hopefully

Yeah there must not be a lot of oversight of requisition forms over at the DEO.

Yeah, I thought she took the mature route. She never said she wasn't interested in Alex, just that it wasn't a good idea to start something right now, which of course a very vulnerable Alex read as rejection. I'm sure they'll be together by the end of the season. I'm hoping for some Maggie centric stories in the

I came out almost nine years ago. It almost feels like a different lifetime. But watching Alex coming out to Kara, trying to get the words out, fumbling with them, talking around and around what she so desperately just wanted to say already, I felt like I was that scared 19 year old again. Looking back on your whole

I can't think of a more purely delightful scene than Kara singing along to any song off EMOTION. Supergirl has paid for plenty of expensive Top 40 songs already. Make it happen, show!

That's absolutely part of it on the physical side of things, but I think emotional labor is also a huge factor. Women are expected to be the ones in a heterosexual relationship doing the most emotional work. We're told that men aren't as good at expressing their feelings or understanding emotions in others so we

Absolutely. That idea that for women, relationships with men are supposed to be hard or unsatisfying at times works to make queer women think the apathy they feel towards men is what every woman feels. Most of my gay guy friends say they "knew" when they were kids while most lesbians I know, including me, often say

"Heteronormativity is a hell of a drug" is exactly the phrase I use too. I definitely agree they're setting up Alex to be gay but is only just now having her personal a-ha moment because she never knew not being straight was an option for her. Objectively that sounds ridiculous, but heteronormativity makes you think

YES! I’m so glad you wrote this. Is that thing you read online? I would love to read it. I’ve spent a lot of time over the years trying to figure out why zombies creep me out more than any other monsters and I've come to very similar conclusions.
Vampires are about the corruption of what is “natural” and therefore

Clinton is up a comfortable 6 points here in WI. Also, if it might help calm your nerves a bit, I read this interesting piece the other day about how although some polls have taken some dramatic swings lately, that's not a true reflection of how this election is going to go when weighted against past votes: https://tod