Emotional Grapes

I hate zombies so much. I'm not a huge fan of horror in general but I can stomach almost any other kind of monster or ghoul for at least a short period. Not zombies. They freak me the hell out and I totally resent how popular they are right now. I audibly groaned once I realized that was where this episode was going.

Yeah it's all but certain that Alex is going to be the one coming out. But I totally hear you about Kara and Lena. I would absolutely love it if the show gave us that also, but yeah, like you said, I'm not holding my breath. Melissa has such fabulous chemistry with women on screen. She could even make Kara/Lucy

I'm only familiar with Maggie from Gotham Central and Batwoman, which while great series, left me a little meh on her character. So I'm really excited about this version. I totally get why fans of hers from her Superman comics era might be disappointed but for me, getting rid of her kid and making her a woman of color

Joanne doesn't have the dark theatricality that I absolutely love about Fame Monster and Born This Way. Even her slower tracks on those albums like "Speechless" and "You and I" still have that big, soaring feel. With the exception of "Perfect Illusion", nothing on Joanne has that same quality. "Diamond Heart" is

That's the dream! Especially since Nyssa has disbanded the League and given up that life which was the biggest source of conflict in their relationship. I'd love to know what Nyssa's been up to, even if she doesn't make it onto Legends. What is Katrina doing these days? If they were smart, they'd write her the same

Sara Lance: Time Traveling Ladies' Woman is honestly my favorite thing except for maybe Sara Lance: Time Traveling Badass. I can't decide. Still I definitely wouldn't mind some sort of female romantic interest for her that stays around longer than an episode.

Agreed. I thought this was a solid B+. It didn't blow me away but it was a decent set up for the season and I had a lot more fun watching than I did most of last season. I also think Sara's vengeance/quest to save Laurel is a great arc for her. I definitely don't agree with the review that the memory of their bond has

I was just about to mention that as well. I thought her story was pointedly gender neutral and I'm sure that wasn't lost on Whiterose. Perhaps that's what made him let his guard down with her for a few moments.

We didn't get a flashback but yeah, it probably feels that way because I'm pretty sure she had a really sad monologue in the first or second season about why she was there. I can't remember what happened exactly, something about unintentionally causing the death of a child?
Edit: Okay, yeah, I looked it up and she was

Maybe. We really don't know much about him yet. He's the origin of all the science but it still could be Rachel's ruthless machinations that pose the ultimate threat to the clones and even the world at large.

I really enjoyed this season overall. I'm glad Delphine is back but having Duko, someone we never met before this season, be the shooter was a bit disappointing. Still, we got some great development for Cosima and more Krystal in her absence so I can't complain too much.
It seems like Alison and Donnie kind of switched

I hope you're right. I would be over the moon if she showed up again! Paige Turco was certainly absent from enough episodes of The 100 last season that her sneaking away to New York to film for a few days wouldn't have been impossible. Though I also wouldn't be surprised if that had more to do with that show's

Root has always played fast and loose with her own life. Going from heartbroken at Shaw's story one moment to putting her own gun to her head like "alright let's do this" the next was just so perfectly her. I guess Samaritan must have missed her game of chicken with the Machine on the edge of that building last season

If they cared enough to bring back the Voice, I assume she has to pop up at some point, even though you're right, she probably won't get a full storyline. They can't just leave us to ever wonder if she got out of whatever dark hole Samaritan was keeping her in. The character I really want to see one last time but

I thought it worked well enough in season one but after that it felt like they just didn't know what to do with them together. Delphine was at her best during season 3 when she was running DYAD and digging into things on her own. That's why I was double bummed about the finale. I've always liked Cosima but the same

Heartless and not to mention simply bad storytelling to let that plot just drop. I'm really hoping Evie is either wrong or just trying to throw Cosima off the trail. We need answers, Krystal!

I was having a bit of a down night but damn it if Felix dressed as classic Sherlock Holmes didn't make me laugh out loud. He and Krystal together are just the best.

How it was shot was a big tip off for me too. Except for the parts with Greer at the very beginning and end, everything was Shaw's POV. We never saw other characters interact outside of a scene where she was present. The typical establishing shots in Samaritan vision threw me off at first, but it became more and more

Shaw has managed to avoid leading Samaritan to the Machine and sacrificed herself 6,741 times and counting. That's insane! Her waking up in a moving subway car was as close as she came to cluing Greer and co into the location of their headquarters. Team Machine needs to pull off a rescue soon. As strong as she is,

Scott seemed pretty damn clueless/freaked out in the beginning, but it's possible the Neolutionists have gotten to him since. Has anyone seen Denise lately? I wouldn't put catnapping her for leverage past those monsters.