Emotional Grapes

I agree with Grampton on the physical matchup. There's no reason they can't be equal in the show's universe. I think you definitely have a point with the experience thing though. Clark has been at the superhero thing far longer than Kara. But I'm willing to bet exposure to kryptonite that makes you hallucinate

Mon-El is finally GONE-EL! I never like seeing Kara heartbroken but I'm overjoyed that he blasted away. Except for setting up this decently cool two-part finale invasion and giving us evil Teri Hatcher, Mon-El's whole arc has been a bore at best and cringe inducing at worst. Though none of that is fault of Chris Wood

I wasn't even thinking existing DCTV ladies, I was more thinking about them adapting another B or C list comics character, but I like where your head's at. Those would all be fun options. But of course, if they went that route, my vote would have to be for Nyssa, assuming Lethal Weapon doesn't work out for Katrina.

Third, if you count Oliver. Sara Lance definitely has a thing for queens.

That's definitely what I thought the Gideon we saw on The Flash was. That seemed way more like a VI than an AI. Basically futuristic Siri. This Gideon has always seemed to have a bit more "personality" to me, I guess? But now that I think about it, the whole artificial intelligence integrated into a ship thing

Evil Rip taking control of the Waverider didn't occur to me either. I guess I just assumed that as an artificial intelligence that's apparently able to bring someone back from the dead, Gideon would be a little more… intelligent. Or maybe I assumed the Legends themselves would be? Either way, Gideon definitely needs

Refreshing is the perfect word. I really enjoyed all the ladies interacting tonight. On one hand, I think the Waverider is crowded enough, but I do hope next season they can break the Sara Lance + only one other female regular character pattern they seem to have set. If we lose Rip or someone else this season, I hope

Because I don't really see much point in loyalty without trust tbh.

I get what you're saying and it's a valid point. But if I recall right, Kara only told Mon-El to stay out of it because of his initial reaction. Yes Mxy probably did hurt Mon-El's feelings with all the things he said when he first appeared, but Mon-El was up in his face, grabbing his shirt in a macho, high school kind

Seems almost like you want someone to control so that they don't "challenge your agency".
That's exactly what you said. It's literally right above my reply. Don't really see another way to interpret that.

Chris Wood is an objectively handsome dude and a great comedic actor. I can see why that would make the character appealing but pretty and charming aren't enough to base a relationship on. Especially not with a character I adore as much as Kara Danvers.

Um, there's a huge difference between challenging someone and trying to take away their agency. As I've said, I wasn't a big fan of Kara/James last season, but at least their dynamic wasn't unhealthy. He challenged her on holding Maxwell Lord indefinitely and without trial. He didn't question her ability to do her job

Right. My issue isn't so much that Mon-El doesn't follow orders as it is that's symptomatic of a lack of trust or respect for Kara. tbh the trope of a man going against a woman's wishes because he cares about her and doesn't want anything to happen to her is old and needs to die. It doesn't matter if it's for love;

Oh man, Kara/Lena would be like a dream come true. But yeah, I agree with linsdayfunke, it's sadly never going to happen. I think the best we can hope for is Katie getting bumped up to the regular cast next season after Mon-El is presumably written off. I'll take all the couch subtext flirting I can get.

That's Mon-El's problem, not Kara's. She asked for none of that to be put on her. And yeah, his selfishness is exactly why he's not good enough for her. I don't think Mon-El is staying past this season, but if he had continued on the path to being better and they had gotten together in season 3 or 4, fine. I could see

They're not lovers, at least they weren't until the very end of this episode (probably) so that doesn't hold up. Mon-El agreed to the mentor/mentee relationship with Kara so him now having a crush on her doesn't give him the right to be an ass when she gives him an order. She's been going this hero thing for a while.

And I definitely don't believe in Kara Zor-El being interested in one, even if they did exist.

I think we're actually in total agreement. I do wish he'd never shown up. What I meant in my post earlier was that if they just *had* to bring in a new pretty while boy this season, I would have preferred he stay in a supporting comedic role. Honestly though, this entire season would be way stronger if Kara had opened

I think for me, it's that the show and Kara herself have a very pro-female empowerment thing going on. Has the show been messy and uneven with it? Oh absolutely. But even so, given the show's overall feminist perspective, giving Kara a male love interest that directly challenges her agency and then paints it as

I would have agreed with "fun-loving goofball" toward the beginning of the season. I thought he was entertaining. I loved his weird one-liners about Dunkaroos. But with Kara he gets weird and possessive. It just rubs me the wrong way. This episode cemented that for me.