Emotional Grapes

As disappointing as last season often was, at least it gave us Krystal. I'm so glad she's back. I hope the sestras officially invite her to join Clone Club. I can't think of a single Krystal/other clone team up that wouldn't be amazing.

The one in the bottom right corner. It's not a great angle but you can just make out a smoking gun and a BANG underneath.


I didn't even put that together! That "maybe someday" scene where she's holding the axe never fails to rip my goddamn heart out.
There's also apparently an iron badge out of frame. I'm going to have to do a lot of pausing of any scout Root close ups next time I watch. Shows that pay that kind of attention to detail are

Of all Root's disguises, the girl scout one was an instant favorite, right up there with the bear that annoyed Shaw so, so much. The show didn't waste an opportunity with her badges either:
Shooting, motorcycling, kneecapping, and of course, a little rainbow. I'm quite curious about the

It kind of negates some of Reese's development from the ghost Carter episode. Maybe they thought they'd have a full season to have things play out with Iris, but when they got the 13 order, they decided it needed to go. It's still disappointing their whole relationship essentially meant nothing, but if it leaves us

The lava lamp!
Someone else pointed out that Root's been on her own since she was a kid, always moving around and never having a real home. So now that the former misanthrope who called people "bad code" has a something of a family and home, of course she would ask for what little Sam Groves probably wanted or had in

Somewhere out there Earth-2 Candice and Danielle are having a blast playing badass Detective West and Killer Frost every week and only had to venture into mopey, underwritten territory for a couple Earth-1 episodes.

My first thought was she'd probably go back to Earth-2 to fulfill the hero role there, which is a shame because I think she could make a great addition to the main cast. But if she does, does that mean Harry goes back too? I can't see him choosing to stay on Team Barry and leave her in another universe with no backup

She's got two ears and a heart, doesn't she?

I honestly didn't think the show was going to kill off Savage with three episodes left in the season, but damn if that still wasn't a huge letdown. Especially since Kendra had actually been on a bit of a roll this episode up to that point.

I wouldn't be opposed to them pulling a Flash and bringing in Earth-2 Laurel next season, especially if she's a villain over there. A formally evil meta Laurel trying to fit in with Team Arrow could be fun.

So far it seems like Darhk's plan is to individually menace each citizen out of Star City. Well that and evil algae farming.

I wasn’t exactly excited about the “who’s in the grave?” gimmick when the premiere rolled around but now it’s officially the worst. Killing someone off just to have a *shocking death* is eye roll inducing enough but this episode made the fact that they didn’t yet know who it would be when they filmed the whole

That was exactly my thought when I saw it. The idea that such a disgusting beverage got popular enough to be mass produced in an even worse tasting canned version got a huge laugh from me.

I always root for the underserved female character. Especially when she's also an iconic superhero. I'm rooting for Kendra the same way I rooted for Laurel in early Arrow. I know how great they can be in print, but I want it on my screen too. It seems like whenever the CWverse has an established female character from

Yep. I have no problem with established romances at all, except when it's pushed at the expense of the individual characters. I find it hard to care about whom Kendra should be with when I still don't know that much about who Kendra is herself.

Exactly. We keep hearing about who she was in her first life but it's Kendra who's on actually on the team. I want to know about who she is now.

Considering how bland and repetitive her history with Hawkman and Savage is, at this point I'd almost rather see a flashback of her at the cappuccino machine.