Emotional Grapes

I keep rooting for Kendra, but this show isn't doing her many favors right now. I quite enjoy the classic 'accepting your destiny vs fighting for what you want' story, but not when said destiny is a relationship that's taken place 99.999% off screen. And even when Carter/Hawkman IS present he's a dud. That's not to

Helping find that little screw that fell out of your glasses. It's real cutting edge stuff!

My brain isn't back in Tatiana Inception mode yet and for about half a second I caught myself feeling bad for the actress playing Sarah because she wasn't getting screen time.

A little part of me was hoping for a glimpse of Delphine too, but since her fate isn't 100% certain, it also probably would have bummed me out. IF she's still alive, I bet it's a season finale reveal since Evelyne's busy with X Company.

Okay I just went back and found the scene from 3x10 and yikes! A man with a tail has got nothing on one with a cheek worm, in terms of disgusting science. The neolutionist who attacked Delphine seemed to be in control of his though. The poor sap in this episode wasn't so lucky.
(ETA damn, I missed the previously on!

I didn't get a chance to do my usual rewatch before this season, so I could be remembering wrong. Was that worm Beth saw being pulled out of that dude's cheek the same thing that was almost shoved into Delphine's mouth last season?

Oh no, I stand by "calling an audible". I just assumed it was a widely understood expression since I'm not a particularity huge sports fan and I've heard it around. I don't think making Sara the Canary was part of their original plan, just a cool idea they came up with between seasons. It could explain why they recast

It's not that they can't, it's just that they blew it. Black Canary is majorly tied in with Green Arrow, yes, but she's also just a great character in her own right. They didn't even scratch the surface of what she could have been on this show. She was just starting to come into her own. That's why I'm angry, at

Some girl named Madison McLaughlin is supposedly showing up next episode and even though her character is being kept under wraps, she has the possibility of recurring in future episodes.
I think it was just pure nerd speculation in the threads I was in that she could eventually find her way

Yeah, I meant that the writers had a plan for Black Canary but changed it up to throw us off. I was going to say it basically means the same thing as "throwing a curveball" but why am I going with so many sports metaphors? WHO AM I?

I’ve always liked Green Arrow well enough, but the reason I tuned in to Arrow on week one was my love for Black Canary. I’ve been reading BoP comics for years and I was dying to see her on tv. I figured Laurel wouldn’t just suddenly transform into a costumed vigilante in the first season, but I ate up every hint and

Oh of course. I recognize those are two completely different scheduling issues, but my point remains that writing off a character, even possibly forever, doesn't require death. Shahi discovered she was pregnant while season four was already in production and the writers had to scramble but were still able to come up

My counterpoint to that is Person of Interest. When Sarah Shahi went on maternity leave, they didn't know when, if ever, she'd be back. They still delivered with a series best episode that left things open and didn't cheapen Shaw's character or her sacrifice.
Jason Rothenberg decided while season 2 was still going on

Ooh, I'd love that! I'm pretty sure baby Talia is all we'll probably ever get to see in the CWverse but man, seeing the al Ghul sisters square off would be fun.

Nyssa's passport from her very first scene on Arrow listed her birthdate as May 10, 1985. Even if she had never used the Pit, I highly doubt she'd have accurate information on her forged documentation.

This is what I'm wondering also. If not, then I think it's safe to assume Talia is dead or in an assassin retirement home somewhere. I'm leaning toward dead since Nyssa so often introduced herself as the Heir to the Demon. But I do really love the idea of still a youthful Talia somewhere out there in hiding, waiting.

I saw a couple interviews of Caity Lotz at WonderCon last week talking up this episode's big LoA fight. I'm so happy they delivered! I'm always here for Sara badassery. Just Sara Lance doing anything really. I was also floored with Talia in the CWverse. Are we assuming she just lived out her life normally (well, as

Well, it's a little murky because he hasn't spoken to the press about it directly. Yet. He'd been indirectly taking shots at Rothenberg on social media for months, often referencing "bullying". His mother even tweeted about it. But she actually called out Jason directly. He finally elaborated on the reduced screen

According to Ricky Whittle himself, he asked to leave the show. He had been butting heads with the showrunner who decided to retaliate by sidelining Lincoln. It was a whole big behind the scenes mess and he wanted out. I assume he started auditioning after the show agreed to let him go.

The New 52 Worlds' Finest was the adventures of Earth-2 Kara Zor-El and Helena Wayne trapped on Earth-1. True, the Flash wasn't around at all but an episode of Supergirl with a hero accidentally winding up in the wrong universe paralleled the series nicely for me.
(Batman and Superman did later end up taking over the