Emotional Grapes

As a Clexa shipper, this episode was FANTASTIC. I can't wait to see Clarke and Lexa going forward. I'm also loving the the world expansion. Their continuous teasing of how ruthless the Ice Nation is only makes me more anxious to meet the queen.

Someone better hide Grant Gustin.

Oh sure, she's nothing if not tenacious. I think the problem is less with Peggy herself than it is the new focus. I really enjoyed much of season one and I think the complete overhaul this season is what I'm not having fun with. I didn't expect Agent Carter to become so rom-com-y.

I never got the impression she was ever interested in him, either while she was mourning for Steve or after. Sure, I think she genuinely liked him, especially in comparison to all the other jerks at the SRR, but that's it. Her "maybe some other time" to his invitation to get drinks read to me like a polite blow off.

Perhaps that was a bit harshly stated, but Wilkes and Sousa keep seeming to throw her way off her game. Something about it just rubs me the wrong way.

I am just not feeling this season. And what's with the Peggy/Sousa stuff? It was obvious he had a bit of a crush on her back in season one but from her perspective, he was just a coworker who was nice to her sometimes. Why is the show playing the tension like they're old lovers? I do like Wilkes but man is the show

That moment was the most I've ever liked Jasper.

It's one of the most fascinating parts of the show but unfortunately also one of the biggest things working against it. I've recommended The 100 to many people and more than a few of them needed some coaxing to continue watching after the first episode or so. All who did continue on definitely didn't regret it though.

One episode in and we already got Clarke hooking up with a cute trading post girl and the casual revelation that Miller has a boyfriend. Bless this show. I'm soooo glad it's back.

I was super disappointed to see Patty sent off like this. As much as I love The Flash, man do they have a problem making female characters work. Sometimes it even seems like the show is working overtime to ensure they're in passive roles. We watched Iris being kept in the dark for entire season only to see the same

Fair enough, you picked up on different things. In my mind, there was no way for there to be anyone else but Abby and Therese but it's not 100% stated either way. My perception of the movie is, for better or worse, also permanently tied to The Price of Salt. Reading it a few years ago, I found Carol to often be a cold

Carol's relationship with Therese is what prompts the escalation in her divorce. If Carol were always bringing girls around, why would Harge react so violently the first time he sees her? Their divorce was already tense but it only makes sense for him to up his reactions because this is the first new woman since Abby.

Looking has been recommended to me by a couple of my gay male friends but I haven't had the chance to check it out yet. So I'm not familiar with the reception that it got. Was it really specifically gay bloggers calling it boring?
Carol seems like it has received rave reviews from both professional film critics and

Both Heat Wave and Hawkman are the less interesting halves of their respective duos. I'm hoping they'll both kick the bucket fairly soon.

Oh, I agree there's totally a power imbalance. And like you said, that's part of what makes the story interesting. However I'm always going to bristle at the word "predatory" here. The Predatory Lesbian is an old tired trope that I couldn't hate more. I've seen her in countless movies and tv shows. She lies in wait

Yeah there's a power imbalance, that's a huge part of the story. But nowhere is it alluded to that Carol picks up girls or even women all the time. It happened with Abby and after that ended there was no indication there was anyone else until Therese. Harge's lawyers allege there's a "pattern" but that's just them

Exactly! While the movie certainly isn't alienating to today's straight audiences (given it's universal critical acclaim), there are just so many more layers for gay audiences to experience. The cold/boring argument you mentioned is a perfect example. Even now in the most liberal environments, so much communication

The Carol being predatory argument is absolutely baffling to me. It was 100% clear that Therese was as interested as Carol was, she just didn't have any idea what was going on at first. She didn't know what she felt was possible. One of the things that struck me most about the book was the lack of vocabulary to

As much as I don't like ALW, I do love Evita, though I think that has more to do with Patti LuPone's legacy than his crafting of it. I mean, the whole musical is framed by Che Guevara yelling at her for no reason.

I know, but it still makes me laugh any time someone refers to their sibling that way.