Emotional Grapes

I liked Diggle's slightly saltier language but thought it was a bit weird that he would call his brother a son of a bitch since that technically would apply just as much to him.

I'm definitely disappointed we didn't get to see Sara interact more with her former team or her sister. I was hoping we'd get to hear Sara's thoughts on Laurel's transformation and taking up her mantle. Instead that happened offscreen so the Ray stuff could play out. They could have at least thrown in a comment about

Agreed. Season one overall was decent and occasionally had its good moments, but holy shit did it really take off and become something great in season 2. Let's just hope they can stay on course and season 3 of The 100 isn't also season 3 Arrow.

I'm so pleasantly surprised that Iris was filled in right away. I was sure the mom thing was going to be dragged out for far longer than an episode. Good to see Joe (and let's be honest, the writers) learning. I could not take another season-long arc of Iris being out of the loop for her "protection".

It's Westeros/Essos. I think pretty much everyone is a hawk. All the doves are long dead.

Jason's said he's already working with AMC to make her available to them. It's also only a 6 episode first season. That gives me a lot of hope that she'll at least be able to continue on as a frequent guest star, much like this season.

I would love for Clarke to make her way to Polis next season and find Lexa. They both made very similar, tough choices to save their people. Sure Bellamy helped her pull the lever, but the weight was never on him the way it sits on her shoulders. Also, I'm sure Lexa didn't count on Clarke surviving and the Mountain

I read it in middle school and I'm amazed how much of it I still vividly remember all these years later. None more so than when he got that rifle. His realization of how much power it gave him and the rejection of that feeling really stuck with me. If I'm being honest, it probably helped shape some of the feelings I

I definitely don't agree with Lexa that Clarke would have taken the same deal. I think Clarke *gets* why Lexa did it, but that doesn't mean she would make the same call. She's hardened up a lot over these past seasons and learned a lot about being a leader (mostly from Lexa), but Clarke, as she is now, would rather

This is exactly my concern. If the Mountain Men are cured and move above ground, they're going to be able to expand their population for the first time in decades. I doubt that's going to lead to harmony between them and the Grounders. I'm pretty pissed at Lexa and think her decision was short sighted but I still

I liked how technically neither one of them was right about the poster. It wasn't Taylor Swift or Rosie the Riveter. Though I kind of doubt the fact that the woman in the "We Can Do It!" poster is often erroneously called Rosie was part of the joke.

I think you're right about the pit being used at any point, but the amount of time being dead before can affect someone post resurrection if it's been too long. That's what happened to Jason Todd causing him to return to Gotham as the Red Hood, right?

I am too. And if that's the case, maybe I'll go back and catch up. I heard Nyssa will be coming back soon so maybe she can help with that. I'd be worried about what being dead so long and not yet in the pit would do to her upon resurrection though. I'm not super keen on the idea of getting her back only for her to

Sara died for THIS? I'm far more interested in what Sara's life meant to Sara than I am what her death means to Oliver. Or Laurel. Or anyone else. I would never normally give up on a show I'd been so invested in, but I'm out.

I often find myself thinking about the parallels between Brienne and Arya and seeing them actually meet (however briefly) had me over the moon.

My #1 takeaway from this episode:
If Mrs. S is coming for dinner, best to serve finger foods.

There are gay/bi/queer people for whom their sexuality is more incidental and there are people for whom it's not. Orphan Black does great things with both the former, Cosima, and the latter, Felix. I think we're so accustomed to shows and movies over the years treating flamboyantly gay characters as either punching

I've heard the Skyler White comparison a few times and I think it's spot on.
This isn't a spoiler or anything as I'm just finishing book one, but I've heard George express both fondness for Sansa as well as bewilderment at the hate she receives. He discussed it in his commentary track in either season one or two, I

That's the entire point though. You're not supposed to like early season one Sansa's attitude. It's supposed to be archaic and make you uncomfortable. Westeros has very rigid and defined gender roles. It's easy for us, as a modern audience, to recognize this through and sympathize with Arya. She's not able to do what

She's not a political genius like Margaery, but she's definitely smart. I think almost pushing Joffrey off the ledge was a pretty honest, visceral human reaction. All was seemingly lost to her and in that moment of her deepest despair, she wanted to take out the evil in front of her, even if it meant she went too.